
Codewars solutions

Primary LanguagePython


Codewars is an awesome competitive programming platform where programmers can solve katas - think problem sets - and compete in kumite.

Katas range in difficult starting at 8kyu and ending at 1kyu. There are levels beyond 1kyu called dan, but there have yet to be any katas difficult enough to carry a dan title. In addition to difficulty, katas also range in topics including strings, puzzles, games, algorithms, regular expressions, language features, optimization, security, interpreters, state machines, artificial intelligence, and more.

I credit Codewars for a good deal of my programming skill and Pythonic knowledge. I am currently ranked at 5kyu, but I expect that surpass that quite soon.

I recommend Codewars to anyone that just wants to write code without the baggage of a full blown project.


  • Complete decode enemy messages.
  • Complete Codewars ranking.
  • Complete Roman numerals helper.
  • Complete simplifying multilinear polynomials.
  • Complete diophantine equation.
  • Fix 1rm calculator README.