
Audio Video Grep fun at The New Normal

Primary LanguagePython

##AudioGrep AudioGrep use https://github.com/antiboredom/audiogrep

Download audio file from youtube

youtube-dl URL --write-auto-sub -f mp3

if case download didn't specify format convert to MP3

ffmpeg -i input_video.ext -acodec libmp3lame audio.mp3

Transcibe audio to txt

audiogrep --input path/to/*.mp3 --transcribe

Create supercut of audio clips of phrases containing search words

audiogrep --input audio.mp3 --search 'pattern'

Specify output mode

audiogrep --input audio.mp3 --search 'pattern' --output-mode=word

or other options, create a regex sentence with crossfade of half a milisecond

audiogrep --input audio.mp3 --search 'artificial|city|becomes' --regex --output-mode word -o 'artificial_city_becomes.mp3' -c 500


VideoGrep use https://antiboredom.github.io/videogrep/

Convert .mpv to .mp4


ffmpeg -i input.mkv -acodec ac3 -vcodec copy video.mp4


convert .vtt to srt

ffmpeg -i input.vtt video.srt

run search on video

videogrep --input video.mp4 --search 'city'

use n-gram for occurence frequency

videogrep --input video.mp4 --ngrams 3 << number of words


for a more accurate transcript use audiogrep/pocketsphinx

videogrep --input video.mp4 -transcribe

then we can do POS tags with the .mp4.transcription.txt file

videogrep --input video.mp4 --search 'JJ' --use-transcript --search-type pos videogrep --input video.mp4 --search '^VBG DT JJ NN' --use-transcript --search-type pos videogrep --input video.mp4 --search 'but' --use-transcript --search-type word Incase ffmpeg crash before compiling all the temp tiles together

ffmpeg -f concat -safe 0 -i <(for f in ./*.mp4; do echo "file '$PWD/$f'"; done) -c copy output.mp4


Youtube subtiles adds a padding to start & end time to each phrase so that the endtime of the prev phase is actually greater than then start time of the next phrase to ensure more natural clipping. Due to this overlap we can't grab fillers from this subtitle file

Use AUTOSUB for more accurate timestamp


autosub -o subs.srt -F srt video.mp4 remember to rename .srt to the same name as .mp4


python silence.py --input video.mp4 --output silence.mp4