
Reverse proxy module for NaviServer

Primary LanguageTcl

Reverse Proxy Module for NaviServer

Release 0.14


This is a NaviServer module that implements a reverse proxy for NaviServer based on the ns_connchan command. The revproxy module provides filter procs, which can be registered for all or for a view selected URLs via wildcards, that will redirect the incoming requests to some backend service. It is also possible to call the revproxy::upstream directly from a server page (e.g. .vuh page), allowing so e.g. in OpenACS only authenticated users or certain user groups (admins) to use certain backend services.

When the filter procs are registered as "postauth" filters, it is possible to use NaviServer (or e.g. OpenACS) as authenticating reverse proxy server. It is possible to specify for every registered filter

  • a target url,
  • a list of regsub patterns (to e.g. remove certain parts from the current url),
  • a timeout for establishing connections,
  • a validation callback (to validate access of the service), and
  • a exception callback (e.g. for returning tailored error pages).
  • a url_rewrite_callback (e.g. for composing the final upstream URL).
  • a backend_reply_callback (e.g. for modifying backend header fields)

Both the incoming and upstream connections might be based on http or https. The implementation works as well with WebSockets (including secure WebSockets).

The module requires at least NaviServer 4.99.14. The implementation is based on nsf, which is available from e.g. http://next-scripting.org/


In order to configure the reverse proxy, add the following lines to the config file of NaviServer to make the ::revproxy::* functions available:

ns_section "ns/server/${server}/modules"
   ns_param revproxy tcl

During startup of the server register the ::revproxy::upstream function for some URLs, like in the following example, where GET and POST requests with /shiny/ are tunneled to some back end service (here via https to my.backend.com).

ns_register_filter postauth GET  /shiny/* ::revproxy::upstream -target https://my.backend.com/ -regsubs {{/shiny ""}}
ns_register_filter postauth POST /shiny/* ::revproxy::upstream -target https://my.backend.com/ -regsubs {{/shiny ""}}

The registration of the folter might me happening e.g.

  • in any kind of initialization script of the server (in an OpenACS context in a *-init.tcl file), or

  • via the config file of the server, like in:

    ns_section "ns/server/${server}/module/revproxy" ns_param filters { ns_register_filter postauth GET /shiny/* ::revproxy::upstream -target https://my.backend.com/ -regsubs {{/shiny ""}} ns_register_filter postauth POST /shiny/* ::revproxy::upstream -target https://my.backend.com/ -regsubs {{/shiny ""}} }

The registration of ::revproxy::upstream filter can be configured with the following callbacks (see above) for a tailored behavior, more flexible than the regsub approach sketched above:

-exception_callback (default "::revproxy::exception")
    nsf::proc exception { -error -url } { ...}

-url_rewrite_callback (default "::revproxy::rewrite_url")
    nsf::proc rewrite_url { -target -url {-query ""}} {....}

-backend_reply_callback (default "")
    nsf::proc backend_reply_callback { -url -replyHeaders -status } {...}


apt-get install naviserver-revproxy


Gustaf Neumann neumann@wu-wien.ac.at