This is to control APA102 LED strips from python 3.4+ on a headless Raspberry Pi, wirelessly.
- Raspberry Pi 3
- from
- 32GB micro SD card
- APA102 300 LED strips (5M strips bought, which have different amperage requirements)
- 5 strips, requiring 18A each
- AllPixel:
- Soldering Iron, Solder, Solder Adhesive
- Several Male-Male and Female-Female colored wires
- Power Supply for AllPixel+LED Strip, at 15A each
- Each power supply will support 3 strips of 100 LEDs
- Technically need 18A+, however these are non-standard / difficult to find
- Each power supply will support 3 strips of 100 LEDs
Download Raspbian Jessie Lite image
- Load image to Micro SD, Setup SSH
- Insert SD card into the Raspberry Pi. Connect via ethernet to your router. - note that if the name isn't immediately obvious, you could brute force in by trying: - ssh pi@[ipaddress] - default user is: pi - default password is: raspberry Enable WIFI
Edit Raspberry Pi config
- sudo raspi-config
- Set SPI, SSH and Expand File System
- Reboot Install SSH for LED/Bibliopixel Github repos
- note at the step for "ssh-add", use a lowercase k instead. Install Python3, Pip
- sudo apt-get install python3 python3-pip
From the Bibliopixel directory, run:
- sudo python3 install
- sudo pip3 install pyserial --upgrade --ignore-installed
- in case of errors, you might need to reinstall this
- ls /dev/ttyACM*
- Run this to show all USBs attached. Should show up as "/dev/ttyACM0" or similar
- Synopsis of above link:
- install rsub on server:
- sudo wget -O /usr/local/bin/rsub \
- sudo chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/rsub
- Locally, install the "rsub" package
- On command line connecting to server:
- ssh -R 52698:localhost:52698 server_user@server_address
- for example:
- ssh -R 52698:localhost:52698 pi@
- for example:
- ssh -R 52698:localhost:52698 server_user@server_address
- Navigate to file and open:
- rsub file_to_open.txt
- install rsub on server:
Deprecated (unused), but useful info:
- Add the ssh key to your Github account
- For programming the LEDs...
- We used the BiblioPixel python library
- Python packages needed for install:
- BiblioPixel
- Click
- spidev