
A Python 3 implementation of WIMS adm/raw module.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Python package codecov CodeFactor Documentation Status PyPI Version Python 3.5+ License MIT

Python API for WIMS' adm/raw module

WimsAPI is an API written in python3 allowing to communicate with a WIMS server through its adm/raw extension.

For more information about adm/raw, see its documentation

Here the documentation of wimsapi.


The latest stable version is available on PyPI :

pip install wimsapi

or from the sources:

git clone https://github.com/qcoumes/wimsapi
cd wimsapi
python3 setup.py install


Global configuration

In order for WIMS to accept requests from WimsAPI, a file must be created in [WIMS_HOME]/log/classes/.connections/, the file's name will serve as the identifier name for WimsAPI.

Here an exemple of such file: [WIMS_HOME]/log/classes/.connections/myself


ident_desc=This WIMS server


# http / https.

# password must be a word composed of alpha-numeric characters.


# The address and identifier/password pair for calling back.

Here a description of the important parameters:

  • ident_site: a space separated list of IP allowed to send request to this WIMS server.
  • ident_agent: Must be set to python-requests.
  • ident_password: Used alongside the file's name as identifier in the request to authenticate yourself on WIMS.
  • ident_type: Must be set to json.

The above example would allow a computer/server of ip to send a request to the WIMS server with identifier myself and password toto.

Class Configuration

If you create a class thanks to this API, everything should work perfectly. However, if you want to use it with an already existing class, some more configuration must be done.

You must edit the file [WIMS_HOME]/log/classes/[CLASS_ID]/.def and add this line at the end of the file:

!set class_connections=+IDENT/RCLASS+

Where IDENT is the identifier use by the API (name of the corresponding file in [WIMS_HOME]/log/classes/.connections/ as defined above) and RCLASS is an identifier sent in the request to authenticate yourself on the class.

Basically, to authenticate yourself on a class on your WIMS server, you will need :

  • url : URL to the WIMS (https://wims.unice.fr/wims/wims.cgi for instance)
  • ident : Name of the file in [WIMS_HOME]/log/classes/.connections/
  • passwd : Value of ident_password in [WIMS_HOME]/log/classes/.connections/[IDENT]
  • rclass : Value set after the / in class_connections in [WIMS_HOME]/log/classes/[CLASS_ID]/.def


from wimsapi import Class, User

c = Class.get("https://wims.unice.fr/wims/wims.cgi", "myself", "toto", 9999, "myclass")

c.institution = "Another institution"  # Modify class' institution

u = User.get(c, "qcoumes")
u.email = "coumes.quentin@gmail.com"  # Modify user's email

new = User("quser", "lastname", "firstname", "password", "mail@mail.com")
c.additem(new)  # Add the new user to the class.

For more informations about usage or example : Here the complete documentation of wimsapi.


To test wimsapi, you will need a running WIMS' server. If needed, you can set up one quickly with docker using the DockerFile here, following the README steps.

The default URL used for tests is http://localhost:7777/wims/wims.cgi, you can override it with the environment variable WIMS_URL. For instance:

WIMS_URL=http://mywims.com/wims/wims.cgi pytest