Code Refactor: horiseon-sss_webpage


Refactoring existing code (improving it without changing what it does) to make it more accessible.

User Story

AS A marketing agency
I WANT a codebase that follows accessibility standards
SO THAT our own site is optimized for search engines

Acceptance Criteria

GIVEN a webpage meets accessibility standards
WHEN I view the source code
THEN I find semantic HTML elements

WHEN I view the structure of the HTML elements
THEN I find that the elements follow a logical structure independent of styling and positioning

WHEN I view the icon and image elements
THEN I find accessible alt attributes

WHEN I view the heading attributes
THEN they fall in sequential order

WHEN I view the title element
THEN I find a concise, descriptive title


The following image demonstrates the web application's appearance and functionality:

Iamge for Horiseon's website

🏆 Things that I have done for this task

  • Validated all links are functioning correctly
  • Consolidated the selectors with same properties in CSS
  • Updated HTML with Semantic Elements
  • Added comments in HTML and CSS
  • Added alt attributes for all images and icons
  • Updated a concise, descriptive title to the website
  • Validated that the heading attributes fall in sequential order
  • Validated that the HTML elements follow a logical structure independent of styling and positioning


Original Source code is from The Coding Boot Camp | UC San Diego Extension

Trilogy Education Services, LLC