
This app organizes all the files in a folder

Primary LanguagePython


My folders are always messy. That's why I decided to program a solution to this problem.

What it does

When you start the program, it asks for a cluttered directory to organize. Once you click it, it'll immediately begin organizing the directory. It will create an organized folder and within it, it'll have a folder for every file type [Text Files, Video Files, Image Files, etc].

How I built it

This software was programmed with Python.

Challenges I ran into

Not many other than having to manually make long lists of file extension types.

Accomplishments that I'm proud of

This is a working software that can be used on any platform. I'm proud that this can be used right away by people.

What I learned

Learned a bit more about the shutil library.

What's next for Folder Organizer

Maybe I'll make a web app next time so they won't have to download the software on their own computer.

  • Give a directory to organize
  • list all the files in the directory and organize them in the follwing format

If a folder is empty, then that folder will not be created

How to program:

- Create a list of all file types that will be in each folder
- Ask the user for a directory
- List all the files in the directory
- Group elements of the list into folder lists by file extension
- Make sure to delete elements of a list once moved
- Make a folder for every folder list
- If a folder list is empty, don't create that folder
- Using the shutil.move method, move all files in each folder to their respective folders
- Print completed afterwards