
PHP client for Pappers's API

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PHP client for Pappers's API

PHP library to communicate with Pappers's API.

This SDK is generated automatically with JanePHP from the Pappers OpenAPI specification.


This library is built atop of PSR-7 and PSR-18. So you will need to install some implementations for those standard interfaces.

If no PSR-18 client or PSR-7 message factory is available yet in your project or you don't know or don't care which one to use, just install some default:

composer require symfony/http-client nyholm/psr7

You can now install the client:

composer require qdequippe/pappers-php-api


$client = new \Qdequippe\Pappers\Api\Client();

$client->recherche(['api_token' => 'YOUR_TOKEN', 'q' => 'Google']);


💙 JoliCode PHP Slack Client