A complete Angular 6 and Webpack 4 starter seed with minimal and full featured branches. Full featured branch includes: Material Design 2 (Bootstrap 4 branch available as well), @ngrx, HMR, DLLs and optional use of Universal for server-side rendering - Supports AOT (offline) compilation, sync and lazy loading. Karma/Protractor for e2e/unit tests.
- 3
Angular 7
#336 opened by kadosh1000 - 6
Getting "Cannot find module 'zone.js/dist/zone-node'" when deploying on production server
#330 opened by tonihuang - 2
Issue with npm/Yarn Install
#335 opened by braino15 - 3
Meta information missing in view source
#312 opened by ranjitnadar - 6
How to see karma output in debug window?
#334 opened by antonpegov - 3
Getting error running Universal out of the box
#332 opened by dvaldivia - 1
Ability to skip bundle analysis for CI prod builds
#329 opened by Aigeec - 2
Typescript source maps
#325 opened by leqwasd - 1
Can you please add comments to your code.
#333 opened by antonpegov - 1
Can't run tests, at-loader can't find .ts files!
#331 opened by antonpegov - 5
- 7
Webpack 4 / Angular 6
#326 opened by Justus-Maier - 0
Add angularfire2
#301 opened by johnsanchezc - 2
yarn test failing
#327 opened by Justus-Maier - 3
How to add fonts
#318 opened by jeusdi - 3
Error in universal:AOT build: Cannot find module './ngfactory/app/server.app.module.ngfactory'.
#317 opened by usachev-dev - 0
Http(Client)Module has changed
#324 opened by Justus-Maier - 1
Is this project still active ?
#323 opened by samfrach - 2
Can you rename the repository?
#319 opened by splincode - 1
warnings when running `yarn`
#320 opened by sabernar - 1
Is there a simple example that mimics communication between sibling components?
#322 opened by josoroma-zz - 1
warnings in aot build.
#315 opened by ShankarSumanth - 1
AOT and platform-browser-dynamic
#321 opened by inquiztr - 0
file is not exists
#316 opened by mengzhidiguo - 2
Are *.dll.js necessary in index.html ?
#291 opened by stefan-krajnik - 6
- 0
watch:universal gets killed (not watching)
#289 opened by stefan-krajnik - 1
Yarn link Issues
#295 opened by matt328 - 1
AOT build fails - Please update @angular/cli. Angular 5+ requires at least Angular CLI 1.5+
#314 opened by kadosh1000 - 1
Adding support for absolute paths
#304 opened by Zwimber - 3
Error TS2322: Type '{}' is not assignable to type 'ActionReducer<State>'.
#296 opened by eruecco87-zz - 2
ngrx/store-log-monitor has incorrect peer dependency "@angular/core@^2.0.0-rc.6".
#287 opened by webmobiles - 3
[QUESTION] Material2
#300 opened by JoaoPauloCMarra - 4
Update ngrx to ver. 4
#303 opened by sutkovoy - 5
Webpack 3 upgrade
#306 opened by kadosh1000 - 4
Angular 5 upgrade
#311 opened by kadosh1000 - 0
universal: serverless support for aws lambda
#309 opened by kodeine - 2
browser caching - Chunk hashes in file names
#310 opened by kadosh1000 - 9
Absolute paths don't work.
#308 opened by dsasidhar - 1
npm postinstall not finishing - circleci
#305 opened by eruecco87-zz - 10
[QUESTION] Environment variables
#297 opened by NickvdMeij - 0
Failed to execute 'replaceState' on 'History'
#302 opened by EreckGordon - 2
Is lazy module loading implemented?
#299 opened by ShankarSumanth - 3
Universal:aot inline css
#293 opened by rodrigopagnuzzi - 2
Looking for hints for the Apollo Client and the Universal Rendering set up
#294 opened by josoroma-zz - 1
- 1
why this starter don't use webpack-dev-server
#292 opened by webmobiles - 1
Assets folder or API in dev-mode?
#285 opened by 18steps - 6
- 4
Missing sass:watch task
#283 opened by Dazzel