- 0
[Feature]: allow overriding machine default values.
#635 opened by janek202 - 0
How to enable ipv6 to access the internet?
#634 opened by Tony-Yes - 2
- 2
[Feature]: add network adapter type to env variables
#629 opened by janek202 - 0
How to run an existing system
#628 opened by befen - 2
- 2
- 5
- 0
Blank VNC output with freebsd 13 qcow image
#613 opened by nicolaspernoud - 0
VGA output of own OS not displayed via VNC
#612 opened by jbreu - 3
Unable to start via k8s
#605 opened by devil-ming - 1
[Question]: How to go back to installed os
#594 opened by bruhman440 - 1
Security Issue: Requires Root Privs
#572 opened by JamesClarke7283 - 1
- 6
[Question]: How can I share a folder from my host system with a guest virtual machine running in QEMU ?
#590 opened by DartSteven - 1
Partition has limited size at 1.9G
#592 opened by Nelonn - 8
[Question]: How to boot from local image?
#585 opened by alexandrujuscu - 3
[Question]: How do i connect into SSH and VNC?
#576 opened by Vann-Dev - 3
[Question]: How to create a disk snapshot?
#578 opened by FengZhongShaoNian - 1
[Question]: vnc
#573 opened by krofkaenot01 - 3
[Question]: Hi, Why not use the QCOW2 format for the hard disk by default to save space ?
#574 opened by mike37510 - 1
How do I export additional ports in the vm?
#443 opened by awapf - 9
[Question]: tutorial for *.img.gz
#552 opened by EinFreierUser - 5
- 3
- 2
[Question] Support for virtual image other than iso
#458 opened by pvshewale - 8
Boot from disk after installation not working
#461 opened by ika-roa - 10
Ability to change internal NoVnc port
#545 opened by fatez - 2
- 2
Compose or docker compose file doesn't contain version
#539 opened by Niknu - 2
dnsmasq: failed to create inotify for /etc/resolv.conf: No space left on device
#537 opened by MasterZhang007 - 18
Error mount a linux iso
#509 opened by fatez - 6
Question: Could this run on an ubuntu-base?
#453 opened by Husky110 - 3
[Question]: How to generate an ISO of a running container with app and files?
#493 opened by balmacefa - 1
[Question]: About Port Mapping
#480 opened by jcleng - 9
How to interact with OS run by qemu-kvm
#160 opened by adibacco - 2
[Question]: Setting QEMU resolution Flag
#473 opened by WSHAPER - 1
"Display output is not active" when trying to run `android-x86_64-9.0-r2-k49.iso` live
#452 opened by obernil - 1
Hardware Acceleration on Windows/MacOS
#454 opened by tom-ricci - 6
No HDD to install Windows is found
#459 opened by sabachka - 2
How to run TempleOS in qemu-docker?
#444 opened by rubenanapu - 15
Cannot seem to use a local windows iso file
#324 opened by Partha-dev01 - 3
- 13
QEmu can't stay up
#303 opened by Beulu - 4
How can I set up the instance as a bypass route?
#247 opened by cgangit - 9
- 5
No image download
#154 opened by jumping2000 - 8
KVM acceleration not detected
#152 opened by Facundojs - 1
Cloud-init support
#145 opened by heywoodlh