
MK knowledge Graph - Weekly in which you can find links and resources to boost your knowledge.

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What means MK Knowledge Graph



My name is Maciej Krzywda. I created this repository to share a weekly set of links that I found valuable and inspiring. I hope that you'll like it!

I looked for the best name for space in which I like work and do research. Databases, Graph Algorithms and broadly understood Artificial Intelligence crossing with functional programming like Haskell is a topics in which I work daily. So, Graphs which is the most humanity data structure (because shows connection between nodes which representate area in which I working) make the big Knowleadge Graph, so I think this is a the best name which I can think up 😄

So sum up MK Knowledge Graph is a space in you will be can find articles/sample of code about Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining, Knowledge representation and reasoning, Ontology, Big Data, Databases, Graphs Algorithms, Neural Networks, Federated Learning, Programming Language.

See also Summary of all links.


Feel free to add your links (by pull requests) with update to Upcoming document.


  • it has to be interesting,
  • this repository is not for advertising ourselves but for sharing the knowledge,
  • let is stick to template,
  • share information about new weekly in yours social media 😄

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MK Knowledge Graph is Copyright © 2020 Maciej Krzywda and other contributors under the MIT license.