
Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


A powerful Go-based OSINT tool for comprehensive domain analysis and reporting.


  • IP Geolocation using MaxMind's GeoIP2 database
  • Web content extraction and analysis
  • WHOIS information lookup
  • DNS record analysis (A, MX records)
  • Reverse DNS lookups
  • Historical data via Wayback Machine
  • Certificate transparency logs via crt.sh
  • Automated PDF report generation

gomain_analysis/ ├── cmd/ # Command line interface ├── internal/ │ ├── config/ # Configuration management │ ├── crt.sh/ # Certificate transparency checks │ ├── dns/ # DNS operations │ ├── geolocation/ # IP geolocation │ ├── parser/ # HTML parsing │ ├── report/ # PDF report generation │ ├── wayback/ # Wayback Machine integration │ └── whois/ # WHOIS lookups


github.com/PuerkitoBio/goquery - HTML parsing github.com/domainr/whois - WHOIS lookups github.com/e-zk/go-crtsh - Certificate transparency github.com/go-pdf/fpdf - PDF generation github.com/oschwald/geoip2-golang - IP geolocation github.com/seekr-osint/wayback-machine-golang - Wayback Machine integration github.com/urfave/cli/v2 - CLI interface


Download GeoLite2-City.mmdb database from MaxMind Place the database file in your project's asset directory


this is a rewrite and improvement upon the github.com/qepting/domain_analysis tool.

The following will be used for the Python to GO transformation:

Python Tool Mapping & Go Alternatives

1. GeoLiteCity.dat (IP Geolocation)

  • Python Tool: pygeoip
  • Go Alternative: Use MaxMind's GeoIP2 Go library.
    • Note: This library will allow us to use the .mmdb version of the GeoLite database. You’ll need to download the latest version (GeoLite2-City.mmdb) and use the geoip2-golang library for IP lookups.

2. Fetching Web Content (requests, urllib)

  • Python Tool: requests, urllib
  • Go Alternative: Use Go's built-in net/http package for making HTTP requests.
    • Reproduction: http.Get(url) can be used for fetching content. This is very straightforward to replicate in Go using net/http.

3. HTML Parsing (BeautifulSoup)

  • Python Tool: BeautifulSoup from bs4
  • Go Alternative: Use PuerkitoBio's goquery, which is similar in functionality to BeautifulSoup.
    • Reproduction: goquery provides functions to parse HTML and traverse/manipulate the document, making it a close match to BeautifulSoup.

4. WHOIS Lookup (whois)

  • Python Tool: whois
  • Go Alternative: Use domainr/whois or likexian/whois-go.
    • Reproduction: These libraries allow performing WHOIS lookups on domains, similar to the Python whois package.

5. DNS Resolution (dns.resolver)

  • Python Tool: dnspython library (dns.resolver)
  • Go Alternative: Use Go’s built-in net package or a DNS library like miekg/dns.
    • Reproduction: The net package has LookupHost and LookupMX functions to get A and MX records, respectively. For more complex DNS queries, the miekg/dns library can be used.

6. Reverse DNS Lookup (dns.reversename)

  • Python Tool: dnspython library (dns.reversename)
  • Go Alternative: Use Go's built-in net package, specifically net.LookupAddr.
    • Reproduction: net.LookupAddr(ip) can be used to perform reverse DNS lookups, similar to the Python implementation.

7. Wayback Machine Integration (wayback library)

  • Python Tool: wayback Python package for fetching Wayback Machine snapshots.
  • Go Alternative: No direct equivalent, but you can use simple HTTP GET requests to the Wayback Machine API.
    • Reproduction: Write a function in Go to perform requests to the Wayback Machine API (http://archive.org/wayback/available?url={URL}) and parse the response. JSON parsing is straightforward in Go using the encoding/json package.

8. Google Dorking (oxdork)

  • Python Tool: subprocess.run to execute oxdork for Google dorking.
  • Go Alternative: Execute commands using Go's os/exec package.
    • Reproduction: You can still execute external tools using os/exec. Alternatively, consider using a built-in library or writing Go code to simulate oxdork functionality (e.g., using the net/http package to craft Google queries).

9. PDF Generation (reportlab)

  • Python Tool: reportlab for creating PDF reports.
  • Go Alternative: Use jung-kurt/gofpdf (archived, but still useful) or go-pdf/fpdf for PDF generation.
    • Reproduction: The gofpdf package provides methods to create and customize PDF documents similarly to ReportLab. You can use it to generate headers, paragraphs, and tables.

Final Module Mapping Overview

Here's the updated modular overview including Go alternatives:

  1. config/geolite.go:

    • Python: pygeoip
    • Go: Use geoip2-golang with MaxMind .mmdb files.
  2. fetcher/web_fetcher.go:

    • Python: requests, urllib
    • Go: Use net/http.
  3. parser/html_parser.go:

    • Python: BeautifulSoup
    • Go: Use goquery.
  4. whois/whois_lookup.go:

    • Python: whois
    • Go: Use likexian/whois-go.
  5. dns/dns_resolver.go & reverse_dns.go:

    • Python: dnspython
    • Go: Use net package (LookupHost, LookupMX, LookupAddr) or miekg/dns for advanced features.
  6. geolocation/geo_lookup.go:

    • Python: pygeoip
    • Go: Use geoip2-golang.
  7. wayback/wayback_fetcher.go:

    • Python: wayback
    • Go: Implement using net/http to interact with the Wayback Machine API.
  8. dork/dork.go:

    • Python: Execute oxdork using subprocess.
    • Go: Use os/exec to execute Google Dorking or write equivalent dorking functions in Go.
  9. report/pdf_generator.go:

    • Python: reportlab
    • Go: Use go-pdf/fpdf.

Generated Report Contents

The tool generates a comprehensive PDF report including:

  • WHOIS Information
  • Geolocation Data
  • Extracted Links
  • DNS Records
  • MX Records
  • Reverse DNS Information
  • Historical Wayback Machine Snapshots
  • Project Structure