This project is a port of the $1 Unistroke Recognizer to Unreal Engine (C++). There are only 6 templates (star, triangle, circle, v, x, pigtail), but you can add your own both by exporting CSV tables and in training mode. The project used UE4 v4.26. Also, source code has protractor algorithm.
The article about the project is available here.
Enter the TrainMode [value] in the console (~).
- 1 - ON
- 0 - OFF
ex., TrainMode 1 to enable train mode.
The generated objects and gesture names are entered into the Magician Pawn (Blueprint).
- UnistrokeRecognizer - general
- UnistrokeRectangle - struct for boundgin box
- UnistrokeResult - struct of result (name, score, time)
- UnistrokeTemplate - create template from unistroke points
- UnistrokePoint - main struct with main algorithms
- UnistrokeDataTable - struct of Data Table
- PaintWidget - Widget for painting points
- TrainWidget - Add points as a template to Data Table
- MagicianPlayerController - Player Controller
- MagicianPawn - Pawn
- MagicianGameModeBase - Game Mode