
Application template for server GraphQL projects and implementation of application for Qeetup about GraphQL.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Qeetup App Server

Application template for server GraphQL projects and implementation of application for Qeetup about GraphQL

Technology stack


  • Clone repository - git clone git@github.com:qest-cz/qeetup-app-server.git
  • Install modules - yarn install or simply yarn


All application settings can be modified locally via .env file

GraphQL Code Generator

For generating TypeScript interfaces from GraphQL schemas use yarn generate

Run the project

  • Developer mode - yarn dev
  • Production mode (plain JavaScript version)
    • First build - yarn build
    • Then start - yarn start
    • Optionaly cleaning - yarn clean
  • Run code checks - yarn code:check


All tests are ran by yarn test, that is an alias for jest command

  • You can also start watch mode by command yarn test:watch
  • To update jest snapshots there is yarn test:update
  • For generating of a code coverage use yarn test:coverage

Commit message format

Commit message format is dictated by Karma specification