Instances and results from 'An Adaptive Heuristic for Feeder Network Design withOptional Transshipment' by Morten Bergmann, Mohamed Kais Msakni, Ahmad Hemmati and Kjetil Fagerholt.
Instance files can be found in the instance folder. mother_ships.txt contains data used for all instances. The remaing files found in adapted-liner-lib, abc-class and generated folders contain instance specific data. To read an instance read mother_ship.txt along with any other file in the instance folder.
Results for all instances can be found in the instance folder.
Objective value for each route:
- tc rate: r * w where r is the vessels tc rate and w is the numer of whole weeks (rounded up) it takes to complete the route.
- cargo costs: (l * handling_cost) * 2 where l is the total number containers to be loaded/unloaded in the route.
- bunker costs: t * bunker_fee where t is the time it takes to sail the whole route and returning to the hub port/origin.
- port costs: n * k where n is the number of ports in the route and k is the cost of visiting a port. For daughter routes k will be smaller.
We considered the port costs a fixed cost and therefore excluded it from the objective values. To find the final objective value, sum the objective values for each route (as explained above) and subtract num_ports * mother_visit_cost.