
C++11 implementation of linear model prediction of vowpal wabbit trained model with supports of swig wrap and vowpal wabbit feature hash.

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

A Belief Description

This project wraps online prediction and timing update of vw trained linear model. It assumes a linear model has been trained by learning algorithms of Vowpal Wabbit (e.g., FTRL, BFGS). One straightforward application is online module of click-through rate prediction.

Support Swig Interface

We use Swig as an interface generator. Hence a wide range of languages can use this wrapper. An example of Java invoking the model daemon and prediction is given in the swig folder.

Support Vowpal Wabbit Feature Hash

The project uses the same feature hash algorithms as Vowpal Wabbit (i.e., murmurhash3). This means if you specified the same namespace and feature name as the training processes do, it will encode the feature into exactly the same hash code. The hash of quadratic features is also supported.


Require Eigen (>= 3.3.3), Boost (>= 1.64.0) spdlog (>= 0.13.0), and googletest (>= 1.8.0).

Copy the include directories to /usr/local/include/ and the libraries to /usr/local/lib/ in advance.

Build Project

# below two lines need to run again since java swig files were generated in the first round and needed in this round
cmake -H. -Bbuild -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
cmake --build build
./build/test/pctr_test  # run unit tests
make -C build test  # run swig tests