This is a summary of the official HDP tutorial
In order to use the in-browser Java SSH Client to ssh to EC2 instances, please use Firefox.
Login in to the AWS Console, and boot an EC2 instance with Amazon Linux 2 AMI:
- Use >= 16GB of RAM (t2.xlarge or above).
- Add >=20GB storage.
- Configure security Group: Add rule for [Type=All TCP, Source=My IP]. It is important to restrict access only to your IP. Do not make it open to the wild.
- Keep note the key pair you are using for the EC2 instance.
- Note down the public ip of this instance. This is the IP address you are going to use to access HDP services and web UIs.
After the EC2 instance is up and running, select the instance, click
, selectI would like to connect with A Java SSH Client directly from my browser
. Specify the path to your key-pair file and connect. -
Install git with
sudo yum install -y git
. Check out the scripts withgit clone
, and thencd hdp
. -
Install docker on the EC2 instance with
. Logout the SSH client and login again (Step 2). -
docker info
to confirm docker is working withoutsudo
. -
cd hdp/HDP_3.0.1
if you are not in thehdp/HDP_3.0.1
directory yet. Install HDP through docker withbash
. It will take a while to install. -
After it finishes, access Ambari through
to confirm it is working.
- 2122 -> 22 HostSSH
- 2200 -> 22 HostSSH2
- 2222 -> 2222 DockerSSH
- 7777 -> 7777 Streaming Analytics Manager
- 8585 -> 8585 Streams Messaging Manager
- 7788 -> 7788 Schema Registry
- 8000 -> 8000 Storm Logviewer
- 9995 -> 9995 Zeppelin1
- 9996 -> 9996 Zeppelin2
- 9088 -> 9088 NiFi Protocol
- 61080 -> 61080 NiFi Registry
- 8886 -> 8886 AmbariInfra
- 61888 -> 61888 Log Search
- 10500 -> 10500 HS2v2
- 4040 -> 4040 Spark
- 4200 -> 4200 AmbariShell
- 8983 -> 8983 SolrAdmin
- 42080 -> 80 Apache
- 42111 -> 42111 nfs
- 8020 -> 8020 HDFS
- 8040 -> 8040 nodemanager
- 8032 -> 8032 RM
- 8080 -> 8080 ambari
- 8443 -> 8443 Knox
- 8744 -> 8744 StormUI
- 1080 -> 1080 Splash Page
- 8993 -> 8993 Solr
- 10000 -> 10000 HS2
- 10001 -> 10001 HS2Http
- 10002 -> 10002 HiveJDBCJar
- 30800 -> 30800 DAS
- 11000 -> 11000 Oozie
- 15000 -> 15000 Falcon
- 19888 -> 19888 JobHistory
- 50070 -> 50070 WebHdfs
- 50075 -> 50075 Datanode
- 50095 -> 50095 Accumulo
- 50111 -> 50111 WebHcat
- 16010 -> 16010 HBaseMaster
- 16030 -> 16030 HBaseRegion
- 60080 -> 60080 WebHBase
- 6080 -> 6080 XASecure
- 18080 -> 18080 SparkHistoryServer
- 8042 -> 8042 NodeManager
- 21000 -> 21000 Atlas
- 8889 -> 8889 Jupyter
- 8088 -> 8088 YARN
- 2181 -> 2181 Zookeeper
- 9090 -> 9090 Nifi
- 4557 -> 4557 NiFi DistributedMapCacheServer
- 6627 -> 6627 Storm Nimbus Thrift
- 9000 -> 9000 HST
- 6667 -> 6667 Kafka
- 9091 -> 9091 NiFi UI HTTPS
- 2202 -> 2202 Sandbox SSH 2
- 8188 -> 8188 YarnATS
- 8198 -> 8198 YarnATSR
- 9089 -> 9089 Druid1
- 8081 -> 8081 Druid2
- 2201 -> 2201 SSH HDP CDA
The default Ambari credential is raj_ops:raj_ops
. The default AmbariShell login credential is root:hadoop