
script to manage ssh/config

Primary LanguagePerlMIT LicenseMIT


A script to manage ssh/config


  1. Put a configuration file at ~/.ssh/pssh/.ssh-config
  2. Install it : pssh install

Short example

## Variable
  PubkeyAuthentication yes
  Protocol 2
  ForwardX11 no

@@ GITHUB : Every Comment will be conserved;
+---------------+------------------+---------------------------------------+ # This is dummy lines, be ignored.
| github-user1  |  git@github.com  | ~/.ssh/key/github/github_user1_id_rsa | # This comment will be placed before this line.
| github-user2  |  git@github.com  | ~/.ssh/key/github/github_user2_id_rsa |
+---------------+------------------+---------------------------------------+ # This is dummy lines, be ignored.

@@ DO at amsterdam
| d1    | user1@       | $DO_PKEY   | $VPS_COMMON_OPTION
| d2    | user1@       | $DO_PKEY   | $VPS_COMMON_OPTION
# Without pkey but with variabled option
| d4    | user1@       |   x        | $VPS_COMMON_OPTION  # "x" should be instead of empty space.

| d4    | user1@       |            | # You don't need "x" without 4th field.
          ForwardX11 yes # .ssh/config format is always avaiable in the place

# Usual .ssh/config format is available
Host *
Protocol 2
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/key/id_rsa
ControlMaster auto
ControlPath ~/.ssh/controlmasters/%r@%h:%p
ControlPersist 1h


  • All files are under ~/.ssh/pssh ( essentialy just a .ssh-config )
$ pssh -h
# usage : pssh <command> <options> 

# Commands
    cat        : Print Pssh config file with grep
                 usage: pssh cat [string to grep]
    edit       : Edit Pssh config file
    install    : Install Pssh config file to /home/pung96/.ssh/config
    key_deploy : Deploy pub key to ssh server : pssh key_deploy <server> <file>
    list       : Host List
                 usage: pssh list [string to grep] [-g [group index]] [-G [grep in groups]]
                 -g withoud 'group index' will list only a group list
                 -G will grep group names and inline comments and print with it's hosts
    path       : Print Path of pssh directory
    test       : Compile /home/pung96/.ssh/pssh/.ssh_config and print on screen

# Options
    -c --config          : Use custom pssh config file
    -h --help            : Display Help
    -b                   : display without color
    -g --group           : group option for list
    -G                   : group option for list
  • NOTE : edit doesn't mean installing after edit. One needs additional call of pssh install to apply changes.

  • Bash completion

echo 'eval $(pssh bash_completion_template)' >> ~/.bash_profile
  • NOTE : You may need an additional path in advance.


The configuration formate is super-set of .ssh/config format. So you can put every raw configurations in .ssh-config

But if any line begin with |, $ ,+ or -, they will be translated by pssh formater.


  • A line begins with

    Begins with RegExp Descriptions
    + /^\s*\+/ Ignore a line.
    | /^\s*|/ Parse a line as an entry
    $ /^\s*\$/ Parse a line as variable (both of definition or using)
    - /^\s*\-/ Remove until - and leave a line there
    @@ /^\s*@@/ Group
    others Just leave it as it is

    White spaces before triggers are allowed

  • Variable

    • If a variable comes before = in a line ( /^\s*\$.*=/), it's a definition
    • Otherwise a using, so just translated to a content
  • Entry

    • After first |, all following |s are dealt as spaces
    • Include first #, all followings are comments. They will be placed before the line.
    • fields are | alias | user@server:port | key | options

Example of .ssh-config