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PLEXOS Input Data Generator (PIDG)


PLEXOS can read in any Excel file that has the following structure: one workbook with 6 worksheets named Objects, Categories, Memberships, Attributes, Properties, and Reports, each containing specific columns. These worksheets can hold almost all the information needed to construct and personalize a working model in PLEXOS. The PLEXOS Input Data Generator (PIDG) can take data stored in csv files or a postgreSQL database and compile it into an appropriately-formatted Excel workbook. This allows the input data to be scripted, reproducible, and version-controlled.

Soon, there may be a command line interface that would enable the automated import of a PIDG-produced Excel file into PLEXOS. For now, this step requires human intervention through PLEXOS's import wizard. When working with a large database, it is often useful to uncheck the "Check Data" box in the second step of the import wizard to cut down import time (note: this is only tested for importing into a fresh database, not for importing into an existing database). Finally, there are two types of data that cannot be imported using PLEXOS's import wizard: anything in the "Settings" menu (ex: unit changes) and toggles for writing specific flat files (it is possible to import the option to write all or no flat files, but not to select which to write out separately from selecting what properties will be reported).

This README describes how to run PIDG, all options for types of data to import, and required data formats.

How to run PIDG

PIDG is run by PIDG/driver.R and all pointers to data and options for reading data are set in a separate input parameters file. To run PIDG, set up in the input parameters file (all options for this defined below) and run PIDG/driver.R (required arguments defined below). PIDG/driver.R will read in data referred to in the input parameter file and run PIDG's core scripts to process, compile, check, and output that data.

The file structure usually as follows. All of these will be project-specific and should be storage outside of the PIDG repository. An example of this setup can be found in PIDG/example.

  • a file called run_PIDG.R which loads the arguments in the PIDG/driver.R parameters section below and calls PIDG/driver.R
  • an input_params.R file that specifies what data to use by defining variables described below in the Input parameter file options section
  • a directory called inputfiles
  • a directory called outputfiles

Note: PIDG/driver.R can also be called from the command line, using a format like this: $ Rscript PIDG/driver.R pidg.dir=EXAMPLE_DIR output.wb.name=EXCELFILE.XLSX, where argument names are exactly anything listed in the "PIDG/driver.R parameters". Thhe file run_PIDG.R could also be set up this way, but is currently not in PIDG/example.

PIDG/driver.R parameters

PIDG/driver.R can be run either through the command line with the following arguments (see previous section) or by running another R script which includes defining the following variables (i.e. run_PIDG.R) and then sourcing PIDG/driver.R.

  • pidg.dir: required. path to directory of the PIDG repo. like any of the following path inputs, this can be an absolute path or, if calling from another script that sets the working directory, a path relative to the working directory
  • input.params: required. path to input parameter file.
  • inputfiles.dir: optional (required if input parameters file contains pointers to csv files). directory in which all input csv files are stored. paths in the input parameter file will be interpreted as relative to inputfiles.dir
  • inputfiles.db: optional (required if input parameter file contains SQL queries). list with the following named elements: drv, host, dbname, user, password, all arguments of RPostgreSQL's function dbConnect(). this is used to open a connection to a postgreSQL database. NOTE: capital letters and spaces don't play well in PostgreSQL column names. To handle this, PIDG includes a column name converter for data in PostgreSQL. When naming columns in PostgreSQL, follow the convention described in the rest of this document but keep everything lowercase. Instead of a space, use a single underscore, and instead of an underscore, use two underscores. Note: some PLEXOS property names are not consistently capitalized. If you are using any of those in a database other than VoLL and VoRS, you may need to edit the function fix_db_colnames() in functions.R.
  • outputfiles.dir: optional. directory where the output workbook and data check outputs will be saved. if does not exist, will be set to directory where input.params lives
  • output.wb.name: optional. name (including ".xlsx") of workbook to be saved. if not set, workbook will automatically be saved as "pidg_export_[current_datetime].xlsx"
  • export.db: optional. logical, setting whether Excel workbook will be saved. setting this to FALSE can be useful for testing if the stage of writing the Excel file takes a while. if not set, will be set to TRUE
  • data.check.plots: optional. logical, setting whether, when PIDG is performing its final data checking, pdf plots should be exported. setting this to FALSE can be useful if writing the pdf plot takes a while. if not set, will be set to TRUE

Input parameter file options

The input parameter file tells PIDG where to look for data and how to process it. Data can be stored in a PSS/E (version 31) .raw file, .csv files, or in a postgresql database. Pointers to data are defined in the input parameters file in one of several lists, and which list data is read in in will determine how PIDG will treat the data. This is a list of possible variables that can be defined as input parameters. Note: below, "data pointer" means either a path to a csv file, relative to the variable inputfiles.dir or a SQL query (beginning with "SELECT" or "WITH") that will be sent to the postgresql database defined by inputfiles.db. Unless otherwise specified, if a variable is undefined, it will be ignored.


  • plexos.version: numeric, can be 6 or 7. Defaults to 7 if undefined. This determine the column names in the Properties tab of the final Excel workbook, since these are different between PLEXOS 6.xx and 7.xx.

basic functionality:

  • raw.file.list: list of character or a character vector, optional. elements should be filepointers to the PSS/E .raw file (currently only version 31 is supported). Each .raw file will be parsed and reformated in scripts a-1-parse-psse.R, a-2-reformat-psse.R, and (as the parsing is currently set up), this will generatate up to 6 data.tables (nodes, regions, zones, lines, transformers, and generators, depending on what data the .raw file contains), which will be added to objects.list (see next) and imported like any other data file. Note: certain assumptions are made when parsing a .raw file. For example, if the status column for any object is zero, its PLEXOS Units property will be set to zero. Line max flows are equal to rating B, unless this doesn't exist, in which case, they are set to the max of rating A or C. These types of assumptions may need to be adjusted differently for different projects, so it may be better to use PIDG's functionality to parse and write out the PSS/E .raw data once, make changes, then import it from a .csv file subsequently.
  • objects.list: list. Elements are either a character vector specifying path to .csv file or SQL command, or a vector or list where the first element is a character specifying path to .csv file or SQL command, and all other elements are named additional options. Import objects, their categories, any memberships with child objects, and any properties. Note: repeating objects in multiple rows will not create issues as long as the catgory column (if there is one) is also identical in each of the repeats.
    • Data format:

      • First column contains objects that will be created. Column name is their PLEXOS class, capitalized correctly (i.e. "Generator", "Line").
      • If a column called "category" (capitalized in any way) is included, that will be the category of the imported object.
      • If a "notes" (capitalized any way) column is included, it will be ignored.
      • Any other column will be treated as a property or membership column.
        • Membership columns identify child objects of the objects to be imported. The column name should be of the format "collection_child class". For example, if importing generators, the first column in the data would be Generator. A column to attach nodes to generators would be called "Nodes_Node" (as the column will contain objects of class Node that will be added to a given generator's "Nodes" collection), to attach fuels would be "Fuels_Fuel", and to attach fuels as start fuels would be "Start Fuels_Fuel". Note: objects in membership columns will not be automatically created. Membership columns are identified by an underscore.
        • Property columns are identified as any column other than the first column, membership columns, category, notes, or any additional options (see next). Any Property column should be named the PLEXOS property, spelled and capitalized exactly as it is in PLEXOS. Blank or NA values will always be ignored.
    • Additional options: There is a set of optional arguments that can be added to specify certain behavior during importing. These only are considered when importing property columns. They are generally used as follows: list("nodes.csv", datafile.col = "Load", band.col = "Band") where this list is an element of objects.list:

      • object.class rarely used. class of objects to be imported. if not defined, the default value is the name of the first column.
      • names.col rarely used. name of column to be imported. if not defined, the default value will be the first column.
      • collection.name rarely used, but sometimes necessary. the collection of the object to which the property is being applied. if not defined, the default value will be the class of the object with an "s" appended. This default will need to be overwritten when importing properties of, for example, batteries.
      • parent.col some properties are properties of memberships. For example: Emission.Fuels Production Rate is a property of each Fuel within the Fuels collection of a particular Emission object. To import properties like this, a "parent" object must be specified. For example, to import prodcution rate, a data file would have these columns: "Fuel", "Emission", and "Production Rate" and it would be passed to objects.list like this: list("emissions_rate.csv", parent.col = "Emission").
      • scenario.name name of scenario which should be added to every property within the given data. Scenario can also be specified by adding a column named "scenario" (capitalized any way). Any number of scenario names can be included in that column and blanks/NA values will be ignored. If scenario.name is specified and the data includes a "scenario" column, the "scenario" column will override the scenario.name variable (in other words, scenario.name would be used to fill in blanks or NA values). In either case, scenario objects will be created automatically if they do not already exist.
      • scenario.cat (meaningful only when scenario.name is defined or when a "scenario" column is included in imported data) name of category scenario(s) that will be created. Alternately, a "scenario.cat" column can be included in the data to specify scenario object categories with more granularity. Data in the "scenario.cat" column overrides the scenario.cat argument in the same way that the "scenario" column overrides the scenario.name argument.
      • pattern.col name of column in data that contains timeslice patterns (for example: "M01" or "H1-12")
      • period.id largely deprecated. Properties that aren't optimized in one interval (ex: "Max Energy Month") must have a non-zero period_type_id. This can be passed as a character to be applied to all data in a given file; however, PIDG automatically adds the right period_type_id values while cleaning data, so it is no longer necessary to use this argument.
      • datafile.col character vector (any length) specifying columns in data that contain data file pointers rather than values. These can be either file paths (pointing to a data file from where the .xml will be saved) or Data File object names, which must include "{Object}" at the beginngin (ex: "{Object}Region A Load"). Any non-blank/NA entry in the specified columns will be moved to the "filename" column in properties sheet and given an actual value of 0.
      • date_from.col character vector specifying column which contains Date From information.
      • overwrite logical: should any property in the data overwrite existing data?
      • overwrite.cols character vector (any length), only meaningful if overwrite == TRUE specifying which columns (in addition to "value") should be overwritten (ex: "scenario" or "date_from")
      • band.col character vector specifying which column contains band information
      • memo.col in theory, could contain memo information to be imported. in practice, not currently functional.

The data format and additional options described above are the basis for the rest of the input data formatting.

  • memberships.list: list, same as objects.list, of elements which are either single character vector data pointer or a list/vector where the first element is the data pointer and all other elements are named additional options. Import memberships between objects and any properties of memberships (no objects will be imported). Format First column is parent object, any other column with an underscore is a membership column (see above). Any additional column (other than "notes" or any additional arguments) will be considered a property column, but the property will be imported as a property of the imported membership. No need to pass in parent.col
  • object.property.list: list, same as objects.list. Import properties of objects only (no objects or memberships will be imported). Use the format described under objects.list.
  • generic.import.files: list, where each element can have one of two formats. Import anything in the exact same format that the final excel file will be in. Two format options:
    • Stack multiple sheet types, in which case list element should be a single pointer to the datafile. The file format in this case is one or more tables that are formatted like the final Objects, Properties, Attributes, Memberships, Reports, or Categories table (in any order). Tags should be added before and after each table chunk so that PIDG can identify the data. Begin tags look like "/ BEGIN", "Objects" (or whichever table is being specified) and end tags look like "/ END", "Objects". Both begin and end tags are required.
    • Import each table separately. In this case, the data should be formatted exactly like whichever sheet is being imported (no begin or end tags) and the list element in generic.import.files should be a two-element vector where the first element is a pointer to the data and the second element is the (properly capitalized) name of the sheet, such as "Objects" or "Memberships"

convenience functions:

  • generator.property.by.cat.list: list (previously generator.property.by.cat.list). Rather than importing object-specific properties, import generator properties by their category (optionally multiplying by max capacity of the generators and/or number of units)

  • interleave.models.list: list. More easily enable running DA-RT (etc) sequence by created filepointers between objects for certain properies, either for generator category or for specific objects (CHECK THIS ONE). Optionally, set models to run interleaved.

  • compact.generic.import.files: list. Convenience format for importing models and horizons.

  • reserve.files - Semi-convenient format for importing reserves.

  • interfaces.files.list - need to update this. Semi-convenient format for importing interfaces.

  • constraint.import.files: Convenience format for importing constraints.

  • turn.off.except.in.scen.list - Convenience format for setting Units = 0 in the base data and Units = 1 in a scenario for any object (?).

  • isolated.nodes.to.remove.args.list - Convenience format that creates a scenario to turn off isolated nodes and recalculate load participation factor.

  • units.to.delete.files - Convenience format to remove objects entirely from the database. Format Two columns: "Objects" and "notes". Anythinng in "Objects" will be completely removed from the database.

  • categories: categories will be automatically created and alphabetized, so there is no need to import them separately (doing so often leads to duplication).

Basic PIDG code structure and troubleshooting

Once all variables are read in and checked as described in the "How to run PIDG" and "PIDG/driver.R" sections, PIDG's core scripts are run. This is a basic description of the process PIDG uses, for help with troubleshooting if something goes wrong.

Basic information of PIDG is as follows:

  1. prepare environment (PIDG/driver.R): read in arguments and necessary functions and source input.params
  2. optional: parse specifically formatted input data (a-1-parse-psse.R, a-2-reformat-psse.R): if a PSS/E .raw file has been given, parse it and add its data to objects.list
  3. create blank *.sheet tables (b_create_sheet_tables.R): as described in the introduction, the final Excel workbook will contain six sheets, Objects, Categories, Memberships, Attributes, Properties, and Reports. Create a blank data.table to correspond to each sheet, with correct column names (i.e. Objects.sheet, Categories.sheet, Memberships.sheet, Attributes.sheet, Properties.sheet, and Reports.sheet)
  4. populate *.sheet tables (c_data_population.R, d_data_cleanup.R): the core of PIDG's functionality: go through each possible variable that could exist in input.params. if it does exist, read in data, process it, then add it to whichever of these table(s) is appropriate. the processing of each variable happens independently of the processing of each other variable
  5. check data (e_data_check.R): once all input.params input variables are dealt with, run checks on the data. export summaries of various parts of the database and flag potential issues. these issues are sorted into "fatal warnings" (known to cause failures in importing to PLEXOS or when running PLEXOS) and "warnings" (which may not cause failures but may be grounds for a second look at input data)
  6. export data (f_export_to_excel.R): if export.wb == TRUE, save the workbook

Because of the modularity of step 4, if something goes wrong, it is usually helpful to use progress messages to identify what data PIDG is trying to process in when the error happens and which variable that data corresponds to. Then, find within the PIDG scripts where that variable is processed, add a stop() or message() or two and rerun.

It is also important to heed "fatal warnings." Most of these are known to cause issues and PLEXOS's error messages related to some of these problems are somewhat enigmatic, meaning it is hard to track down what's going on if they are allowed persist.

STOP HERE. Everything below this is old and probably no longer relevant.

Guide to input parameter file

This file defines parameters that will be used to read in data and create a Plexos database. This works by defining certain variables as a combination of file pointers and other parameters, which the scripts will use to pull in and process data. This is a list of the different variables that can be defined in the input parameters file, with the required format for associated files.

Note: all file pointers should be relative to whatever input files directory (inputfiles.dir) is defined to be.

* to define network data with PSSE file:
	* `raw.file.path`: character, set to path to PSSE file. **Format:** PSSE file should be in v31 format.
* alternate way of defining network data:
	* `node.file`: character, path to csv that defines node data, required. **Format:** requires columns "Node" (should be first column), "Region". Listed nodes and regions will be created. Optional columns are "Zone" and any other Node property (frequently: Voltage, Unit, etc). If "Zone" exists, Zones will be created and attached to Nodes. If "Units" does not exist, all Nodes will be created with Units == 1. A "notes" column may exist and will not be used. A "category" column may exist and will be used to categorize nodes (blanks or NA values mean the node will not be categorized); otherwise, nodes will be categorized by region. Any other column (but "Owner" for now) will be treated as a property of the Node and added accordingly. Blanks or values of `NA` in any column but "Node" will be ignored. Node names should not be repeated.
	* `line.file`: character, path to csv that defines line data, required. **Format:** requires columns "Line" (should be first column), "Node From", and "Node To". A "category" column will be used to categorize lines (NA values or blanks will not be categorized); otherwise, lines will be categorized by their region or (if a reactance column exists) region and AC or DC (nonexistent reactace or--for now--Reactance == 0). A "notes" column will be ignored. If "Units" does not exist, all Lines will be created with Units == 1. Any other column will be treated as a property. Current exception is some unused columns which result from PSSE parsing, but this will be fixed soon (currently "Voltage.From", "Voltage.To", "ratingA", "ratingB", "ratingC", "rateA", "rateB", "rateC", "Status", "Length"). Blanks or values of `NA` in any column but "Line" will be ignored. Line names should not be repeated and columns.
	* `generator.file`: character, path to csv that defines generator data, required. **Format:** requires columns "Generator" (should be first column) and "Node". A "category" column will be used to categorize generators (NA values or blanks are taken to mean no category); otherwise, generators will be categorized by region. If "Units" does not exist, all Generators will be created with Units == 1. A "notes" column will be ignored. Blanks or values of `NA` in any column but "Generator" will be ignored. Generator names should not be repeated. Exception: if the column "Generation Participation Factor" exists, it will be assumed that a generator might be connected to multiple nodes and that the values in that column should be added to Nodes via the Generator.Nodes collection. All other property columns will be treated as Generator properties. In that case, Generator-Node pairs should not be repeated. When a Generator is repeated, any property, category, or note data must be identical between entries. All other columns will be treated as properties. Current exception is some unused columns which result from PSSE parsing, but this will be fixed soon (currently "Status", "Owner[anything]").
	* `transformer.file` (this is optional): character, path to csv that defines transformer data, required. **Format:** requires columns "Transformer" (should be first column), "Node From", and "Node To". A "category" column will be used to categorize transformers (NA values or blanks will not be categorized); otherwise, transformers will be categorized by their region(s). If "Units" does not exist, all Transformers will be created with Units == 1. A "notes" column will be ignored. Any other column will be treated as a property. Current exception is some unused columns which result from PSSE parsing, but this will be fixed soon (currently "Voltage.From", "Voltage.To", "Status"). Blanks or values of `NA` in any column but "Transformer" will be ignored. Transformer names should not be repeated.

This needs to be filled in more, leaving sketches for now. See functions.R for more details on required arguments for these functions.

Functions for basic interaction with .sheet tables

  • initialize_table: create empty table in the format of a .sheet table, to be populated with data
  • merge_sheet_w_table: merge populated table with existing .sheet table (always use this to add to .sheet table because it preserved column order and class)

Functions to import generic objects

These functions take .csv files defined as input parameters and read them in. Any file in the generic.import.files list will be read in by import_table_generic and any file in the compact.generic.import.files list will be read in by import_table_compact.

  • import_table_generic: read in any information in the raw form of the output excel file
  • import_table_compact: more compact, readable form of import_table_generic. Can only import objects of one type of per file.

Functions to add properties to objects

These functions read in inputfiles of specific formats and add properties contained in those files to objects that already exist in the database, with various options for customization. Any file in the object.property.list list will be read in by add_to_properties_sheet and any file in the generator.property.by.fuel.list list will be read in by merge_property_by_fuel.

  • add_to_properties_sheet: assigns properties to specific objects. takes any table of the form [colum with names of objects, arbitrary number of other columns with names that are exactly the Plexos property name] and add those properties to Properties.sheet. must also pass this function the name of the column that contains object names, the type of object (Generator, Line, etc), and the collection of that object (Generators, Lines, Interface.Lines, etc).

    • Other options:
      • set "overwrite" to TRUE if want it to overwrite existing properties instead of simply adding new properties
      • if the table has columns with information on pattern (timeslice) or band, the names of those can be passed in to the function as well, and it will add them to Properties.sheet appropriately
      • if properties will be defined by a datafile, pass in those columns (any number, still with names exactly equal to Plexos property names) with the filepointer as the columns' values, and pass in the name(s) of those columns as a character vector using the optional argument datafile.col. This function will set that value of the specified properties to zero and the filename to the value of the column.
      • character strings corresponding to a scenario or period type id that should be associated with these properties can also be passed in
      • if these properties belong in a collection that is the child of an object that isn't System (ex: Interface.Lines), identify the appropriate collection like normal (ex: Lines) and include a column in the input csv with the parent objects. The name of the column must be the parent object class. Include the optional parameter "parent.col" when running the function.
  • merge_property_by_fuel: assigns properties to generators, but by fuel type instead of object name. Requires a column named Fuel. All other columns will be taken to be Plexos properties (again, names must be exact matches to Plexos properties). It will spit out a table in the right format to be read in by add_to_properties_sheet. In these scripts, results are automatically fed to the add_to_properties_sheet function.

    • Other options:
      • set "mult.by.max.cap" to TRUE if value in table should be multiplied by the max capacity of the generator before setting the property (ex: useful for things like min gen, where input file will say that coal units can turn down to 70% of max capacity)
      • set "cap.band.col" to the name of a banded column if have a property that depends on fuel and size. This will merge by fuel type and size, based on the breaks defined in that column (each property is given to generators with capacities less than or equal to the break listed)
      • set "mult.by.num.units" to TRUE if value in table should be multiplied by the number of units of that generator
    • Input object:
      • input should be a list of lists. Each sublist corresponds to one file to be read in, where the first element is the file path, the second is a list fuel.map.args, containing arguments to merge_property_by_fuel, and the third is a list add.to.prop.args, containing arguments to add_to_properties_sheet.
      • add.to.prop.args can have any argument that add_to_properties_sheet takes. If one is ''scenario'' and that scenario does not exist, it will be created.

Other inputs

These all refer to variables in input_params

  • raw.file.path (filepath): path to .raw (PSSE) file
  • map.gen.to.fuel.file (filepath): path to file that maps all generators to a fuel type (needs two colums: Generator.Name and Fuel)
  • map.region.to.load.file (filepath): path to file that matches regions with a pointer to a load file. One column must be called Region. Others will be treated as load scenarios. Any column called "Base" will be added with no scenario. Data file columns called anything else will be added with a scenario tag that is equal to the column name.
  • rename.regions (logical) / map.newregion.file (filepath) and rename.zones (logical) / map.newzone.file (filepath): should the regions and zones assigned to nodes be mapped by an external file, rather than left as defaults from PSSE?
  • add.RE.gens (logical) / RE.gen.file.list (list or vector or filepaths): should new generators be added to the database? if yes, do it. RE.gen.file.list should be a list of vectors. Each vector must contain the path to the RE gen input file as its first element. RE gen input file required columns: Generator.Name [name of generator to be created], Fuel [as of 5/16, all fuels must also exist in map_fuels_to_gens, or else fuel object won't be created], Max.Capacity, Num.Units, Category [of generator], Rating [contains pointer to rating datafile; rating property will be set to zero and point to this file], Node.To.Connect [existing node in network to connect to]. Other named elements are optional:
    • scenario : if scenario is defined, generators will be added, but Units property will be set to how it's defined in the input file only in specified scenario, and 0 otherwise. Scenario will be created if it doesn't already exist.
    • make.new.nodes : if this element exists, new nodes will also be created. New generators will be attached to those nodes, and 0-resistance, high thermal limit lines will be created between the new node and Node.To.Connect. If this exists, additional columns in the input file are required: Node.Name, Node.Region, Node.Zone, Node.kV. see format of RE.gen.file.
  • turn.off.except.in.scen.list (list): list of generators which should have Units set to 0 (will turn them off) in the base case but to 1 or whatever Units was in scenario passed in with filename
  • delete.original.RE (logical): should generators that are originally assigned the Fuel WIND or SOLAR-PV be eradicated from the database?
  • units.to.delete.file (filepath): names of objects that should be completely eradiated from the database
  • remap.reference.nodes (logical) / map.ref.node.file (filepath): should reference nodes for regions be assigned based on external file? if set to FALSE or it map.ref.node.file doesn't have all regions, any region without a reference node with have the reference node assigned arbitrarily
  • interfaces.files.list (list): does specific things with interfaces. should be improved. these input files are the outputs of the india db's interface creation scripts
    • list should contain any number of character vectors with the named elements: names, properties, memberships, flowcoefs, which each are pointers to input files. these input files should be formatted with the following column:
      • names: Interface.Name, category
      • properties: Interface.Name, Max Flow, Min Flow [the last two should be filepointers to max, min flow data]
      • memberships: Interface.Name, Line.Name [to define what line is in each interface]
      • flowcoefs: Interface.Name, Line.Name, Flow Coefficient
  • isolated.nodes.to.remove.args.list (list): list of vectors. first element in each vector is filepath to one-column (Node.Name) .csv with list of nodes to turn off. second and third elements are optional names arguments (scenario and category). This csv will be read in, listed nodes' Units will be set to zero, and the LPF of all other nodes will be recalculated. If scenario (and scenario category, optional) is specified, these changes will be tagged with that scenario name; otherwise, they will replace information in the base case.
  • interleave.models.list: takes two models, interleaves them, and, using a template, sets up the filepointers that pass information between the models
    • the list contains character vector elements. In each vector, the first element is the path to an input file defining which models should be interleaved, and rest are named elements. These can be template.fuel, template.object, and interleave. The two template.* files should contain filepointers to template files These should be formatted as follows:
      • first element: csv that defines interleaved models: three columns: parent.model, child.model, scenario.name (child.model will be added to the Interleaved collection of the parent model; the filepointers in the child.model, which point to outputs of the parent.model, will be added under the given scenario; the scenario will be added to the child.model unless otherwise specified). any number of parent/child model pairs can be in the same file; these will all be added using the same template.
      • template.fuel: for now, this only works with the format for marge_property_by_fuel (one Fuel column, arbitraty number of property columns). All property columns should contain templates for filepointers between models, and the string "[DA MODEL]" should go where the name of the parent model would.
        • optional: add a row with the word "Attribute" (case sensitivie) in the "Fuel" column. In this row, define what attribute (not property) that datafile object should have, of the form "Upscaling Method = 0" (LSH should be Plexos property, exact match, RHS should be value to be set for that attribute, and there must be an = between them. Do not use a : (this is used elsewhere to split strings). This will append a useful message to the datafile object name (meaning one property can be passed two ways using two datafile objects) and set that property for the datafile object. As of now, this does not allow for multiple attributes to be set. Also, there is no way to set two datafile objects of the same property but with different attributes to the same fuel category. This would likely throw an error in plexos, anyway, but if there are duplicates, all will be overridden by whichever appears first in the table.
      • template.object: similar to template.fuel, but instead of Fuel, the first column should be entitled the class of objects listed in the first column (note that this means that only one object type per csv can be defined)
        • NOTE: this is now functional with at least one file (untested with more), but adding the Attribute row in these by-object templates will NOT work for now
      • interleave: logical. TRUE means models will be interleaved, FALSE means filepointers will be set up but RT models will not be added to the "Interleave" collection of the DA models (so that they can be run sequentially)
other notes
  • the following command (run from a bash terminal, like GitBash) will change the currency units from $ to PHP sed -ie 's/\$/PHP/' OutputFiles/example.xml