
erlang min-max heap

Primary LanguageErlang

Build Status

Min-Max Heap in erlang

Min-max heaps allow either the largest or the smallest element to be removed, which makes them great for double-ended priority queues.

This implementation stores the heaps as trees of erlang tuples. It supports heaps where the top level is the smallest (min-max) or largest (max-min), as well as ordinary min-heaps and max-heaps.

Create a min-max heap:

> H = heap:from_list(mmin,lists:seq(1,10)).

Peek at the minimum and maximum elements:

> heap:min(H).
> heap:max(H).

Remove the minimum/maximum elements:

> {ok,_,H2} = heap:take_min(H).
> {ok,_,H3} = heap:take_max(H2).

Convert the heap back to a list, sorted (I do not recommed using heap to sort things; it will never outperform lists:sort), but if you're using it as a priority queue, getting a prioritized list out might be helpful during a shutdown sequence:

> heap:to_list(H3).

Add an element, and then check the largest/smallest again:

> H4 = heap:insert(H3,100).
> heap:min(H4).
> heap:max(H4).

Create an empty max-min heap:

> MaxMin0 = heap:new(mmax).

Add some elements in bulk:

> MaxMin1 = heap:append(MaxMin0,lists:seq(1,10)).

You can't get the maximum from a min-heap, nor the minimum from a max-heap:

> MinHeap = heap:from_list(min,lists:seq(1,10)).
> heap:max(MinHeap).
> MaxHeap = heap:from_list(max,lists:seq(1,10)).
> heap:min(MaxHeap).

Trying to take or view and element from an empty heap returns empty instead of the {ok,Value} or {ok,Value,NewHeap}:

> Empty = heap:new(max).
> heap:max(Empty).
> heap:take_max(Empty).
> heap:min(Empty).
> heap:take_min(Empty).

Note that {error,_} is returned in preference to empty. This allows code which is using the wrong operations for the heap type to fail faster.