
Stats 101B is Introduction to Design and Analysis of Experiment, which I took under Professor Linda Zanontian in Winter of 2017. I have included 5 homework assignments and final group project.

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Stats 101B

Stats 101B is Introduction to Design and Analysis of Experiment, which I took under Professor Linda Zanontian in Winter of 2017. I have included 5 homework assignments and the final group project. Please do not copy your homework assignments from my code; I have simply posted my solutions to showcase my skills in R. My grades for the homework assignments and final group project are as follows:

Assignment Grade Median Mean
HW 1 100% 88% 87%
HW 2 100% 97% 94%
HW 3 97% 100% 96%
HW 5 95% 95% 92%
HW 6 79% 92% 88%
Final Report 100% N/A N/A