Sentiment Knowledge Enhanced Self-supervised Learning

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Sentiment Knowledge Enhanced Self-supervised Learning for Multimodal Sentiment Analysis

Code for the ACL 2023 Findings paper

The framework of SKESL

We propose a Sentiment Knowledge Enhanced Self-supervised Learning (SKESL) method, which uses contextual and non-verbal information to predict the fine-grained sentiment intensity of a word to learn the common sentimental patterns in opinion videos.

1. Cloning this repository

$ git clone https://github.com/qianfan1996/SKESL.git

2. Creating a virtual environment, and then installing required packages

$ conda create -n envir_name python=3.8
$ source activate envir_name
$ pip install -r requirements.txt

3. Datasets

Downloading the processed datasets from Google Drive (Limited by the size of the network disk, we only release VoxCeleb1 and CMU-MOSI datasets), and putting them into data/CMU-MOSI, data/CMU-MOSEI, data/EmoVoxCeleb, and data/VoxCeleb2. In addition, you can also process raw datasets by yourself.

Raw pretraining datasets VoxCeleb1 and VoxCeleb2 can be acquired in this website (You may need to apply for an account and password to get permission to download). Raw CMU-MOSI and CMU-MOSEI datasets can be acquired in this website.

About processing raw datasets, see data/CMU-MOSI and data/EmoVoxCeleb for relevant codes.

4. Running the codes

4.1 baseline

The baseline model is not pretrained with unlabeled video data.

$ CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python baseline.py

You can change command line arguments to train different models on different datasets and backbone language models.

4.2 pretraining

Sentiment knowledge enhanced pretraining.

$ CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python pretrain.py

4.3 infering the sentiment using purely language models

$ CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python language_model_classifier.py

You can change command line arguments to train different models on different datasets and language models.

4.4 our models

$ CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python main.py

You can change command line arguments to train different models on different datasets, backbone language models, and pretraining models.