This repository contains (or will eventually contain) links and descriptions of all publicly shareable materials, code, data, etc. used by instructors at Neurohackademy 2018. The ordering of lectures and tutorials roughly follows the chronology of the course.
Day 1 (07/30/2018)
- [09:00] Introduction to Neurohackademy (Ariel Rokem)
- [10:30] Reproducibility in fMRI: What is the problem? (Russ Poldrack)
- [13:00] Git/Github (Bernease Herman)
- [13:00] Docker for Scientists (Chris Gorgolewski) [repo]
- [14:30] Introduction to R (Valentina Staneva)
- [14:30] Introduction to Python (Tal Yarkoni) [repo]
- [16:00] Software Testing for Scientists (Chris Gorgolewski) [repo]
- [17:00] Science: Open for All (Kirstie Whitaker)
Day 2 (07/31/2018)
- [09:00] From interactive exploration to reproducible data science: Jupyter, Binder, Travis and friends (Fernando Perez) [repo]
- [13:00] Numerical computing for neuroimaging (JB Poline) [repo]
- [13:00] Python Packaging (Ariel Rokem)
- [14:30] Visualization in Python: An overview (Tal Yarkoni) [repo]
- [14:30] Image processing and computer vision with scikit-image (Michael Beyeler)
- [15:30] Data manipulation in pandas (Tal Yarkoni) [repo]
- [15:30] High Performance Python (Ariel Rokem) [repo]
- [17:00] Neural Networks in Python (Ariel Rokem) [repo]
Day 3 (08/01/2018)
- [10:30] Neuroethics (Eran Klein)
- [13:00] Machine learning with scikit-learn (Jake Vanderplas) [repo]
- [16:00] The Brain Imaging Data Structure (BIDS) (Chris Gorgolewski)
- [17:00] CRN resources (Chris Gorgolewski)
- [17:00] Introduction to web technologies (Anisha Keshavan)
Day 4 (08/02/2018)
- [09:00] Cloud computing with AWS (Amanda Tan and Ariel Rokem) [repo]
- [14:45] Software pipelines for reproducible neuroimaging (Chris Gorgolewski and Satra Ghosh)
Day 5 (08/03/2018)
- [09:00] Predictive models using object-oriented, interactive analysis in Matlab: Tools and application to pain (Tor Wager)
- [09:00] Finding low-dimensional structure in large-scale neural recordings (Eva Dyer)
Day 6 (08/06/2018)
Day 7 (08/07/2018)
Day 8 (08/07/2018)
Day 9 (08/07/2018)
Day 10 (08/07/2018)