Example DBOS app for using Puppeteer + Serverless Chromium to take screenshots of URLs.
The key idea is to use puppeteer-core
and @sparticuz/chromium
, and set an env variable in dbos-config.yaml
to correctly load shared libraries on DBOS Cloud:
It's fairly simple to deploy this app to DBOS Cloud:
# Download this repo.
git clone https://github.com/qianl15/dbos-puppeteer.git
cd dbos-puppeteer/
npm i
npm run build
npx dbos-cloud login
npx dbos-cloud app register -d <your_db_name> # Or provision a new DB
npx dbos-cloud app deploy
You should be able to take a screenshot now with your app! Try https://<your username>-dbos-puppeteer.cloud.dbos.dev/screenshot/google.com
In order to reuse the browser instance across requests, I create a browser instance as a @DBOSInitializer()
On DBOS Cloud, it will use the Chrome binary provided by @sparticuz/chromium
. To test locally, please set LOCAL_CHROME_PATH
to your local Chrome executable.
static async init(ctxt: InitContext) {
const executablePath = process.env.LOCAL_CHROME_PATH ?? await chromium.executablePath();
ctxt.logger.info(`Chromium executable path is: ${executablePath}`);
ctxt.logger.info('Launching browser...' + chromium.args.toString());
browser = await puppeteer.launch({
args: chromium.args,
defaultViewport: chromium.defaultViewport,
executablePath: executablePath,
headless: true,
dumpio: true,
ignoreHTTPSErrors: true,
ctxt.logger.info('Browser launched...');
Another note is that the latest version of @sparticuz/chromium
has some bugs so we need to enable graphics mode:
chromium.setGraphicsMode = true;
Then in a communicator, it opens a page, gets the title of the page, and then takes a screenshot of it. Note that DBOS Cloud has a 512MB memory limit, so the screenshot may fail due to OOM. Please try to reduce the resolution of your screenshots or limit the dimensions of them.
@Communicator({retriesAllowed: false})
static async screenshotCommunicator(ctxt: CommunicatorContext, domain:string) {
ctxt.logger.info("Taking Screenshot");
const page = await browser.newPage();
ctxt.logger.info('setting viewport...');
await page.setViewport({ width: 1200, height: 800, deviceScaleFactor: 1 });
// Go to the https site
const url = `https://${domain}`;
ctxt.logger.info(`goto page... ${url}`);
await page.goto(url);
const pageTitle = await page.title();
ctxt.logger.info(`Page title: ${pageTitle}`);
// Define the maximum height for the screenshot
// Due to DBOS Cloud 512MB memory limit, we need to limit the height of the screenshot
const maxHeight = 1000;
// Get the dimensions of the full page
ctxt.logger.info('page evaluate...');
const dimensions = await page.evaluate(() => {
return {
width: document.documentElement.scrollWidth,
height: document.documentElement.scrollHeight,
const clipHeight = Math.min(dimensions.height, maxHeight);
ctxt.logger.info(`page screenshot... width: ${dimensions.width}, height: ${clipHeight}`);
const base64String = await page.screenshot({
encoding: 'base64',
clip: { x: 0, y: 0, width: dimensions.width, height: clipHeight},
omitBackground: true,
await page.close();
// ctxt.logger.info(`Image: ${base64String}`);
return `screenshot base64 length: ${base64String.length}`;