
苹果手表自定义表盘,终端主题,Terminal Watch Widget Face for Apple Watch.

Primary LanguageSwift

Terminal Watch Widget


Terminal Watch Widget Face for Apple Watch.

Watch Face

For devices running watchOS 10 iOS17 or higher.

Due to the new version of WatchOS not supporting app resident foreground display,

here we use widgets to achieve a Watch Face similar to the Terminal effect.

Thanks for TermiWatch https://github.com/kuglee/TermiWatch/


Use WeatherKit to obtain weather information. WeatherKit only supports paid developer accounts.
Next, I will add other methods to obtain weather data.
qweather has been introduced, and you can apply for a Key to replace the WeatherKit yourself. https://dev.qweather.com/en/

How to install

Prerequisites && Adding a developer account to Xcode

Refer to TermiWatch's tutorial

  1. Xcode Settings Tips

    1. Project file navigator
    2. Find navigator
    3. Project main file, click to display the project settings window on the right
    4. Targets. Click on different targets to modify their settings
    5. Schemes. Switch the schemes to compile apps for iPhone or Watch

  2. For each of the 3 targets replece void in the Bundle Identifier field with the name of your developer account. (The name of your Apple ID without the @xxxx.com.)

  1. Change the project's team:
    1. Select the Signing & Capabilities tab:
    2. For each of the 3 targets change the Team to your team. (Usually this is your name.)
  2. Manually replace bundle identifiers:
    1. Select Xcode menu -> Find -> Find and Replace in Project….
    2. In the Text field type void (Maybe others like xxx in com.xxx.TermiWatch)
    3. In the With field type the name of your developer account. (The name of your Apple ID without the @xxxx.com.)
    4. Click the Replace All button.
  3. If there is an error in WeatherKit or HealthKit, please set Capability. If you do not use WeatherKit, you do not need to set up WeatherKit.

log in to the developer page https://developer.apple.com/account , certificate->Identifiers,Find the corresponding bundleID.
Click to enter, Capabilities -> find WeatherKit and HealthKit ☑️,in App Services find WeatherKit ☑️

  1. Added qweather module, If using 'qweather' to replace weatherkit https://dev.qweather.com/en/docs/
    1. Go to https://id.qweather.com/#/login to apply for the API Key for qweather
    2. Refer doc https://dev.qweather.com/en/docs/configuration/project-and-key/
    3. Copy Key to HFWeatherKey (/TermiWatchWidget/QConfiguration.swift)
    4. Please delete the Weatherkit for each of the 3 targets

Installing the app

  1. Watch and iPhone Go to Settings -> Privacy and Security -> open Developer Mode
  2. Plug your phone into your computer.
  3. Unlock your phone and trust your computer.
  4. Two ways
    1. Select Xcode menu -> Product -> Scheme, select TermiWatchWdiget, -> Destination select your phone.
    2. Select Xcode menu -> Product -> Run.
    3. Wait for the app to install on your phone.
    4. Select Xcode menu -> Product -> Scheme, select TermiWatchWdiget Watch App, Product -> Destination select your watch.
    5. Select Xcode menu -> Product -> Run.
    6. Wait for the app to install on your watch.
  5. Or
    1. Select Xcode menu -> Product -> Destination. At the Device section select your phone.
    2. Select Xcode menu -> Product -> Run.
    3. Wait for the app to install on your phone.
    4. iPhone Go to Settings -> General -> Profiles & Device Management on your phone to trust the app.
    5. Install the watchOS app from the Watch app.
  6. If Device If the device list does not display 'watch', check if the network connection is on the local area network. If it does not work, restart the phone

Watch Settings

  1. Open this App on iPhone, click "Sync Watch Face".
  2. Check "My Faces", select and set it.

Custom UI

  1. Find /TermiWatchWidget/QConfiguration.swift, modify text, color.
  2. Image path on TermiWatchWidget/TermiWatchWidget_Widget/Assets.xcassets/LeftTopImage.imageset, you can replace it
  3. More custom go to /TermiWatchWidget Watch App/View/QCommonView.swift

Possible defects

  1. Due to the refresh mechanism of Widges, there is a limit on the number of daily updates, and there may be a lag in data updates.