
Creative Commons Zero v1.0 UniversalCC0-1.0

Hunk Theme for Oh-my-posh 3

Besically a customised M365Princess theme for the real man

Selling points:

  • Good Layout
    • Most important infomation like path git is put on the left, some less important segments are put on the right.
  • Power mode indicator
    • You'll see a flash icon if you are on Administrator(root) privilege.
  • Confortable colors: calm but not bland, vivid but not too bright. Perfect pinky style for a real man


Warning: Only tested on Powershell 7.1.5 with DejaVuSansMono NF

Recommended settings

  • Font size: 12+
  • Font family: DejaVuSansMono NF (Any Windows-compatible nerd fonts will do)


  • M365Princess
  • iterm2
  • jandedobbeleer
  • powerlevel10k