=============================================================================== = Qianyi Zhou's PCL Fork = =============================================================================== I have been receiving requests for the source code of pcl_kinfu_largeScale_release.exe, which is a critical module in the robust scene reconstruction system we have developed. Project: http://qianyi.info/scene.html Code: https://github.com/qianyizh/ElasticReconstruction Executable system: http://redwood-data.org/indoor/tutorial.html Thus I publish my fork of PCL here as a reference. =============================================================================== Disclaimer I forked PCL from an early development version three years ago, and have made numerous changes. This repository is an image of my personal development chunk. It contains many experimental functions and redundant code. THERE IS NO GUARANTEE THIS CODE CAN BE COMPILED OR USED. WE DO NOT INTEND TO PROVIDE ANY SUPPORT FOR THIS CODE. IT SHOULD BE USED ONLY AS A REFERENCE. If you are looking for the official PCL, go to this repository: https://github.com/PointCloudLibrary/pcl =============================================================================== License As part of the scene reconstruction system, the code of this repository is released under the MIT license. Some parts of this repository are from different libraries: Original PCL - BSD license SuiteSparse - LGPL3+ license (we have a static library linked by Visual Studio) Eigen - MPL2 license (we have a copy of a certain version of Eigen)