
Analysis notebooks reported in Manuscript

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Analysis notebooks reported in Manuscript:

Reliable imputation of spatial transcriptome with uncertainty estimation and spatial regularization

For replication please follow the following steps:

0. Preparation

0.1 Install required packages

  • Please refer to repo Transpa for installing tranSpa,
  • We have SpaGE included in this repo, but Tangram, stPlus, and SparkX should be installed following their software documents:
  • Note that SparkX is an R package, make sure you change the R software bin path in line !source /home/cqiao/.bashrc; ~/R/bin/Rscript sparkX.r intestine5fold to your working R environment when executing the following notebooks:
    • imputation_base_intestine.ipynb
    • imputation_base_melanoma.ipynb
    • imputation_base_breastcancer.ipynb
    • imputation_base_mouseliver.ipynb
  • scvelo is required for RNA Velocity analysis

0.2 Get raw data

  • All the ST and SC datasets can be downloaded from Zenodo;
  • the raw data are compressed as data.tar.gz

after downloading data.tar.gz (may take a while), extract files using the following command (linux):

tar -xvzf data.tar.gz

If you do not want to change the file paths in the codes, please organize the project directory as:

    |-- analysis
    |        |-- TranSpaAnalysis
    |                    |- README.md
    |                    |- preprocess_datasets.sh
    |                    |  ... 
    |-- data
    |-- output            

It is also possible to have a quick inspection for the reported plots by running plotting notebooks with our generated data, output.tar.gz, please extract it to the specified location above.

0.3 Run preprocessing

Run preprocessing for all the ST and SC datasets, so that our codes and notebooks can run more efficiently.

sh ./preprocess_datasets.sh

This will run all the preprocess_*.py scripts. The preprocessed data would be stored in ../../output/preprocessed_dataset (relative location based on the default project organization shown above).

  • The intestine ST data seemed to be corrupted, please find the re-uploaded version intest_ST.tar.gz and extract it to replace ../../data/ST/intest/A1.h5ad
  • Note for the human breastcancer dataset processed by preprocess_breastcancer.py, because the genes of reference single cell data are annotated with gene ids, to convert the ids back to gene names, pyensemble is required and GRCh38 version 108 should be downloaded before executing the preprocessing script. Below is the code to download GRCh38 v108:
pip install pyensembl
pyensembl install --release 108 --species human

This will download GRCh38 v108 to ./pyensembl. Then, in preprocess_breastcancer.py we need to set pyensembl cache directory to ./ under which the downloaded data locate. This is achieved via the line os.environ['PYENSEMBL_CACHE_DIR'] = './' in preprocess_breastcancer.py

For easier access, users can use our preprocessed results uploaded to output.tar.gz

1. Run Experiments:

1.1 Executing ST imputation notebooks:

  • imputation_base_seqfish_singlecell.ipynb
  • imputation_base_osmFISH_AllenVISp.ipynb
  • imputation_base_merfish_moffit.ipynb
  • imputation_base_starmap_AllenVISp.ipynb

1.2 Results plotting:

  • plotting_merfish.ipynb
  • plotting_osmfish.ipynb
  • plotting_seqfish.ipynb
  • plotting_starmap.ipynb

1.3 Run efficiency benchmarking

sh ./eval.sh

1.4 Summary plotting

  • plotting.ipynb

1.5 Explore imputed non-probed genes on SeqFISH:

  • seqfish_exploration.ipynb

1.6 Executing imputation & downstream analysis on Visium datasets

Please remember to change the R bin path in the line !source /home/cqiao/.bashrc; ~/R/bin/Rscript sparkX.r intestine5fold to your working R environment.

  • imputation_base_intestine.ipynb
  • imputation_base_melanoma.ipynb
  • imputation_base_breastcancer.ipynb
  • imputation_base_mouseliver.ipynb

1.7 Results plotting for Visium experiments:

  • visium_eval.ipynb

1.8 ST RNA velocity estimation:

Please install scvelo before running the notebooks.

  • transvelo_chickenheart.ipynb
  • transvelo_mousebrain.ipynb