
gorm v2的即插即用、无需修改代码的旁路缓存。An easy-to-use look-aside cache solution for gorm v2 users.

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

GoVersion Release Apache-2.0 license

English Version | 中文版本


gorm-cache aims to provide a look-aside, almost-no-code-modification cache solution for gorm v2 users. It only applys to situations where database table has only one single primary key.

We provide 2 types of cache storage here:

  1. Memory, where all cached data stores in memory of a single server
  2. Redis, where cached data stores in Redis (if you have multiple servers running the same procedure, they don't share the same space in Redis)


import (
    cacheConfig "github.com/Pacific73/gorm-cache/config"

func main() {
    dsn := "user:pass@tcp("
    db, _ := gorm.Open(mysql.Open(dsn), &gorm.Config{})

    redisClient := redis.NewClient(&redis.Options{
        Addr: "localhost:6379",
        Password: "psw",

    cache, err := cache.NewGorm2Cache(&cacheConfig.CacheConfig{
        CacheLevel:           config.CacheLevelAll,
        CacheStorage:         config.CacheStorageRedis,
        RedisConfig:          cache.NewRedisConfigWithClient(redisClient),
        InvalidateWhenUpdate: true, // when you create/update/delete objects, invalidate cache
        CacheTTL:             5000, // 5000 ms
        CacheMaxItemCnt:      5,    // if length of objects retrieved one single time
                                    // exceeds this number, then don't cache
    if err != nil {
		logx.Errorf("setup all cache error: %v", err)
	} else {
		err = db.Use(caches) // use gorm plugin
		if err != nil {
			logx.Errorf("setup all cache error: %v", err, caches.Name())
    var users []User

    db.Where("value > ?", 123).Find(&users) // search cache not hit, objects cached
    db.Where("value > ?", 123).Find(&users) // search cache hit

    db.Where("id IN (?)", []int{1, 2, 3}).Find(&users) // primary key cache not hit, users cached
    db.Where("id IN (?)", []int{1, 3}).Find(&users) // primary key cache hit

There're mainly 5 kinds of operations in gorm (gorm function names in brackets):

  1. Query (First/Take/Last/Find/FindInBatches/FirstOrInit/FirstOrCreate/Count/Pluck)
  2. Create (Create/CreateInBatches/Save)
  3. Delete (Delete)
  4. Update (Update/Updates/UpdateColumn/UpdateColumns/Save)
  5. Row (Row/Rows/Scan)

We don't support caching in Row operations.