
A easy tool for generating Tensor Program from Torch(besd on Torch FX & TVM Relax)

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Torch nn.Module -> TVM Tensor program

A easy tool for generating Tensor Program from torch nn.module

Main Process

nn.Module ---> fx.graph ---> tvm relax IR ---> graph fused relax IR ---> tvm tensor IR ---> tuned tensor IR ---> ex&vm

How to use

Usage Detail in /example/example.ipynb

  • Torch2Tensor
        import torch
        import torchvision.models as models
        from Torch2Tensor.t2t import T2TParser
        cls_model_name = ['alexnet', 'googlenet', 'vgg11', 'resnet50', 
                        'inception_v3', 'densenet121', 'mobilenet_v2', 
                        'shufflenet_v2_x1_0', 'regnet_y_400mf', 'mnasnet0_5', 
                        'squeezenet1_0', 'efficientnet_b0', 'mobilenet_v3_small']
        # CNN cls model
        mlc_dict = dict(target='cuda --max_threads_per_block=1024 --max_shared_memory_per_block=49152', work_dir="./tune_tmp", 
                    task_name='main', max_trials_global=64, 
                    num_trials_per_iter=32, compile_tir_target='cuda')
        class Demo(torch.nn.Module):
            def __init__(self) -> None:
                self.conv = torch.nn.Conv2d(3, 3, 3)
                self.ada = torch.nn.AdaptiveAvgPool2d((1, 1))
                self.linear = torch.nn.Linear(3, 1)
            def forward(self, x):
                x = self.conv(x)
                x = self.ada(x).view((1, -1))
                x = self.linear(x)
                return x
        if __name__ == "__main__":
            model = Demo()
            # model = getattr(models, 'resnet50')()
            x = torch.randn((1,3,224, 224))
            input_shapes = [(1,3, 224, 224)]
            PR = T2TParser(model, x, input_shapes, **mlc_dict)
            PR.convert()      # torch.nn.Module -> torch.fx.graph & tvm relax IR
            PR.print_ir(PR.relax_graph)   # -> show Relax IR
            PR.fuse_op()   # relax graph fuse eg.matmul + add
            PR.print_ir(PR.RelaxIR)   # show fused op Relax IR
            PR.gen_TensorIR()   # tvm relax IR -> tvm tensor IR
            PR.print_ir(PR.TensorIR)   # show Tensor IR
            PR.print_op(PR.TensorIR)   # print all operations in model
            PR.tune_tir()  # ansor: automatic tensor code optimizer
            PR.print_ir(PR.tuned_TensorIR)  # show optimizer tensor program
            PR.check_result()  # check tensor program correctness
            PR.infer_benchmark()  # test tensor program performance

Supported torch operations now(for high-level Relax IR)

type name
nn.Module Conv2d, BatchNorm, LayerNorm, Linear/Dense, Maxpool2d, AdaptiveAvgPool2d, Avgpool2d, Softmax, Sigmoid, ReLU, SiLU, ReLU6, Hardsigmoid, Hardswish, Dropout
function flatten, add, relu, reshape, matmul, multiply, subtract, softmax, sigmoid, maxpool2d, avgpool2d, concat, transpose, floordiv, stochasticdepth
method view(reshape), size, contiguous, chunk, mean, shape, getitem, getattr

Supported BenchMark

task type name
Cls CNN(13) Alexnet,VGG11,Resnet50,Inceptionv3,GoogleNet,Densenet121,Mobilenetv2,
--- Transformer SimpleViT,ViT(*)


  1. Relax: relax(relay next)(relax'package, this repo based on cuda11.3)
  2. brocolli: Torch Fx Pytorch Model Converter(for onnx & caffe)
  3. MLC: Machine Learning Compiler(chen etc.)

To Do

  1. support more ops
  2. add user own graph optimizer pass
  3. complete CV:cls models benchmark test


  1. register op nn.dense now support input data with more than 2-dim tensor
  2. if you use rearrange from einops, you should use primitive op(transpose, view, contiguous,etc.) replace it.(due to func len in einops)
# out = rearrange(out, 'b h n d -> b n (h d)')
out = torch.transpose(out, 1, 2).contiguous()
shape = out.size()
out = out.view((shape[0], shape[1], -1))
  1. if you wanna register your own special op, you should do 3 steps:
1. register your op in dir: Torch2Tensor/t2t_relax/op
2. construct your op_layer in dir: /Torch2Tensor/t2t_relax/module or function
3. define your own graph fuse pattern in dir: Torch2Tensor/t2t_optimizer/op_fuse
4. define your low-level te computation in dir: Torch2Tensor/t2t_tir
  1. still in developing, maybe unstable