
Copy multiple Matlab figures to a single subplot-formatted figure

Primary LanguageMATLABMIT LicenseMIT


What is this repository for?

Copy multiple Matlab figures to a single subplot-formatted figure.

Getting Started

You can download the files in one of two ways:

  • using git clone git://github.com/keelanc/plots2subplots.git
  • using the Download button to get the ZIP file and extracting the files to a folder

Once the files are on your PC, add the folder plots2subplots to your Matlab path or copy the file file plots2subplots.m it to your working folder.


The plots2subplots.m script can be run from the Matlab command window. The file must be in current working directory or in another directory that is in your path.

You can type help plots2subplots in the command window for the description of its usage:

plots2subplots(haxes) creates a single subplot-formatted figure from a vector of axes handles specified in haxes. haxes can also be a vector of figure handles.

plots2subplots() creates a single subplot-formatted figure from copies of all open figures.

plots2subplots('all') has the same effect as plots2subplots().

plots2subplots(...,Name,Value) specifies special figure properties using one or more Name,Value pair arguments. Use this option with any of the input arguments in the previous syntaxes.

Name-Value Pair Arguments

  • 'Colormap' - sets the subplots' colormaps
    • 'inherit' (default)
    • other examples: 'gray' | 'jet' | 'default' | hsv(128)
    • Type help graph3d to see more useful colormaps.
  • 'Shape' - determines the overall arrangement of subplots
    • 'square' (default) - The order of subplots is made as square as possible (width >= height).
    • 'row' - subplots are side-by-side in a single row
    • 'column' - subplots are stacked in a single column

hFig = plots2subplots(...) retrieves the subplot figure handle.

Useful References


This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license. See LICENSE.txt