
Android style segmented control written in swift. Fully customisable.

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


Android style segmented control written in swift.
Fully customisable.


alt tag



Copy & paste YSSegmentedControl.swift in your project

pod 'YSSegmentedControl'


Create YSSegmentedControl with frame and titles.
You can either use delegation or callback initilization

With callback
    let segmented = YSSegmentedControl(
        frame: CGRect(
            x: 0,
            y: 64,
            width: view.frame.size.width,
            height: 44),
        titles: [
        action: {
            control, index in
            println ("segmented did pressed \(index)")
With delegation
    let segmented = YSSegmentedControl(
        frame: CGRect(
            x: 0,
            y: 64,
            width: view.frame.size.width,
            height: 44),
        titles: [

Setup the delegate and you are ready to go !

	segmented.delegate = self


@objc protocol YSSegmentedControlDelegate {
    optional func segmentedControlWillPressItemAtIndex (segmentedControl: YSSegmentedControl, index: Int)
    optional func segmentedControlDidPressedItemAtIndex (segmentedControl: YSSegmentedControl, index: Int)


	struct YSSegmentedControlAppearance {
	    var backgroundColor: UIColor
	    var selectedBackgroundColor: UIColor
	    var textColor: UIColor
	    var font: UIFont
	    var selectedTextColor: UIColor
	    var selectedFont: UIFont
	    var bottomLineColor: UIColor
	    var selectorColor: UIColor
	    var bottomLineHeight: CGFloat
	    var selectorHeight: CGFloat

The default appearance is

   appearance = YSSegmentedControlAppearance(
       backgroundColor: UIColor.clearColor(),
       selectedBackgroundColor: UIColor.clearColor(),
       textColor: UIColor.grayColor(),
       font: UIFont.systemFontOfSize(15),
       selectedTextColor: UIColor.blackColor(),
       selectedFont: UIFont.systemFontOfSize(15),
       bottomLineColor: UIColor.blackColor(),
       selectorColor: UIColor.blackColor(),
       bottomLineHeight: 0.5,
       selectorHeight: 2)

You can change appearance by

	segmented.appearance = YSSegmentedAppearance (...)

	// or

	segmented.appearance.titleColor = ...