
Markdown Documentation

Primary LanguagePHP

Intro to mdox

mdox is a small program for generating documentation from Markdown. It comes with a nice template by default that you can easily update.


Clone the repository to somewhere on your system. You can optionally symlink the mdox file to a $PATH location. If not, you will have to run it from the cloned directory all the time.

Creating documentation

Navigate to the directory where your markdown documentation is stored. I recommend naming the files like 01-description.md, 02-other.md, 03-more.md and so on. mdox will create a nice Table of Contents based on this naming structure.

Create a file named config.json in the directory where your documentation is stored. It should look like this:

  "title": "Replace with title of your project",
  "author": "Your or your company's name",
  "dest_output": "../html/"

The dest_output directory is a directory relative to your source directory. It must exist before you run mdox.

Finally, run mdox with the source location of the Markdown files

mdox /path/to/docs/src/

You can then open up the HTML files in /path/to/docs/html/.

Enjoy nice documentation!