
API Change: update `tools import` to match input/output naming convention

thermokarst opened this issue · 0 comments

Part of the changes introduced in #189 were some breaking changes w.r.t. the naming convention used for the parm flags in tools export.


qiime tools export --help                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  
Usage: qiime tools export [OPTIONS] PATH

  Export data from a QIIME 2 Artifact or Visualization. Exporting extracts
  the data stored in an Artifact or Visualization and will support exporting
  to multiple formats in the future. For now, the data is exported in the
  format it is stored within the Artifact or Visualization. Use 'qiime tools
  extract' to extract the Artifact or Visualization's entire archive.

  --output-dir DIRECTORY  Directory where data should be exported to
  --help                  Show this message and exit.


qiime tools export --help                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   master 517edc7
Usage: qiime tools export [OPTIONS]

  Exporting extracts (and optionally transforms) datastored inside an
  Artifact or Visualization. Note thatVisualizations cannot be transformed
  with --output-format

  --input-path PATH     [required]
  --output-path PATH    Directory where data should be exported to  [required]
  --output-format TEXT  Format which the data should be exported as. --output-
                        format cannot be used with Visualizations
  --help                Show this message and exit.

Note the changes in PATH as a positional param vs --input-path as a flag, as well as the renaming of --output-dir to --output-path.

Regarding tools import, we would like to see similar changes implemented there, so that there is symmetry between the two commands.


qiime tools import --help                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  
Usage: qiime tools import [OPTIONS]

  Import data to create a new QIIME 2 Artifact. See https://docs.qiime2.org/
  for usage examples and details on the file types and associated semantic
  types that can be imported.

  --type TEXT                The semantic type of the artifact that will be
                             created upon importing. Use --show-importable-
                             types to see what importable semantic types are
                             available in the current deployment.  [required]
  --input-path PATH          Path to file or directory that should be
                             imported.  [required]
  --output-path PATH         Path where output artifact should be written.
  --source-format TEXT       The format of the data to be imported. If not
                             provided, data must be in the format expected by
                             the semantic type provided via --type.
  --show-importable-types    Show the semantic types that can be supplied to
                             --type to import data into an artifact.
  --show-importable-formats  Show formats that can be supplied to --source-
                             format to import data into an artifact.
  --help                     Show this message and exit.


qiime tools import --help                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  
Usage: qiime tools import [OPTIONS]

  Import data to create a new QIIME 2 Artifact. See https://docs.qiime2.org/
  for usage examples and details on the file types and associated semantic
  types that can be imported.

  --type TEXT                The semantic type of the artifact that will be
                             created upon importing. Use --show-importable-
                             types to see what importable semantic types are
                             available in the current deployment.  [required]
  --input-path PATH          Path to file or directory that should be
                             imported.  [required]
  --output-path PATH         Path where output artifact should be written.
  --input-format TEXT        The format of the data to be imported. If not
                             provided, data must be in the format expected by
                             the semantic type provided via --type.
  --show-importable-types    Show the semantic types that can be supplied to
                             --type to import data into an artifact.
  --show-importable-formats  Show formats that can be supplied to --source-
                             format to import data into an artifact.
  --help                     Show this message and exit.

Note that change from --source-format to --input-format.

This change will likely impact the user docs (we will open another issue there if needed).

This discussion recently came up here: #189 (comment).