
Digital systems II CEG3155

Primary LanguageVHDL

CEG-3155 Digital systems II

Course taken in Fall 2019 at University Of Ottawa
Professor: Sawsan Abdul-Majid, Ph.D., PEng, SMIEEE

Description of the course Concepts of Sequential Logic: Finite State Machine model, state transition tables and state diagrams, Mealy and Moore models. Sequential circuits design: state reduction and assignment; implementation with D or JK flip-flops. Incompletely specified sequential circuits. Alternative State Machine representations: Algorithmic State Machines (ASM) and Hardware Description Languages (e.g., VHDL.). Synchronous sequential logic design with programmable logic (PLD, ROM, FPGA). Applications in designing computer interfaces and controllers. Asynchronous circuits. Hazards.


 Chapter 2, Introduction to digital systems
 Chapter 3, Implementation Technology , PLA, PLD, FPGA
 Chapter 4, Logical Function Optimization , K-map, cubic representation, logical synthesis, Quine-McCluskey method
 Chapter 5, , Arithmetic Circuits Adders, multiplications and ALU circuits
 Chapters 6 and 7, Combinational and Sequential Circuit Components Multiplexers, encoders, decoders, latches, flip-flops, counters, registers…
 Chapter 8, Sequential Synchronous Circuits Finite state machine, transition table,Mealy and Moore models, Incompletely specified sequential circuits, Algorithmic state machine
 Chapter 9, Sequential Asynchronous Circuits , Asynchronous circuit analysis and synthesis
 Chapter 10, Digital system design , Examples