
Stub project for a query annotator

Primary LanguageJava


This project contains a stub for the implementation and benchmarking of an entity annotator on queries. The project is mavenized. There is also an example for calling the Bing Api, in case you need it.

##How you should proceed We suggest to:

  • Fork this project on Github (you need a github account)
  • Develop your annotator by editing the provided java files
  • Run the benchmark to see how your annotator performs.

Included classes and POM


File pom.xml defines a Maven project. It includes two dependencies: bat-framework and bing-api-java. You need the BAT-framework to benchmark your annotation system, and the Bing java API to access the Bing API (in case your project is built on top of Bing).

Java classes

  • FakeAnnotator is the definition of a new annotator. We suggest to edit only the functions solveSa2W and getName. The first one implements the actual query entity linking algorithm. It does it in a very naive way: it takes the first word of the query and, in case there is a Wikipedia page with that title, it links the word to that page.

  • AnnotatorMain is an example main that asks the annotator defined in the class above to annotate the query strawberry fields forever. Since there is a Wikipedia page called Strawberry, the annotator links the mention strawberry to the entity Strawberry. You can try and change the query to see how it works.

  • BenchmarkMain launches the evaluation of our system against the GERDAQ dataset (development portion) and prints the results. C2W results refer to the capacity of the annotator to spot correct entities, while A2W results reflects its capacity to spot correct mention-entity pairs (a.k.a annotations). By running the program, you will find out that our annotator achieves 17.2% in macro-F1, which is quite poor, nonetheless we find 50 True positives (correct annotations). Right before printing the final results, the program prints, for each query of the evaluation dataset, the entities that the annotator has found, and those that it should have found (the gold standard). The program also writes the generated output to a file called annotations.bin. This method will be used for the final evaluation.

  • BingSearchMain contains an example usage of the Bing search API. To run it, you must insert a valid key to the Bing API, which can be obtained for free (up to 5000 queries per month) here.

  • WATFeaturesMain shows how to call the WAT Api to gather data that might be useful for your annotator: the link probability that a text appear as anchor (link probability) and two measures of relatedness among two entities: Milne-Witten and Jaccard on in-link. This API has a caching mechanism too (that you'll notice if you run the main twice).


  • For training your annotator, you can access the training portion of the GERDAQ dataset. It is divided in two parts: trainingA and trainingB. The BAT-Framework provides all methods to generate datasets in class DatasetBuilder.
  • The BAT-Framework has a bunch of methods that you might find useful. Have a look at classes DumpData and DumpResults.


  • For any issue or feature request, open an issue on github.