This is code of PhoenixLin(ranked5th/394) for the 2nd Youtube-8M Video Understanding Challenge
All the experiments are ran on 2 NVIDIA GTX 1080TI GPUs with a batch size of 160 (80 on each). Local experiments could run at a speed of 400+ example/sec with SSD and finish in less than 10 hours. The final submission will takes about 3 days to finish if you want to get the best results. To reproduce the local experiments:
bash scripts/
To reproduce the final submission experiments:
bash scripts/
The parameters of the model can be adjusted by modifying the bash scripts.
I have some modification on the, and If you plan to incorporate the solution into your own framework, don't forget those either.
The solution is based on the Youtube-8M Tensorflow Starter Code and the code from Willow, who is the winner of fist Youtube8M competition. Please refer to or ( and ( for more details!