
Uncertainty of Thoughts: Uncertainty-Aware Planning Enhances Information Seeking in Large Language Models

Primary LanguagePython

Uncertainty of Thought (UoT)

framework Uncertainty of Thought (UoT) is a novel algorithm to augment large language models with the ability to actively seek information by asking effective questions.


  1. Install uot package
git clone https://github.com/ChorlingLau/Uncertainty-of-Thought.git
cd Uncertainty-of-Thought
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -e .
  1. Set up API keys (if require) and store in environment variable

    Model Variable Source
    llama-2-70b-chat TOGETHER_API_KEY Together
    cohere COHERE_API_KEY Cohere
    palm-2 PALM2_API_KEY Google AI
    claude-2 CLAUDE2_API_KEY AIProxy
    gpt-3.5-turbo / gpt-4 OPENAI_API_KEY OpenAI

    To set up other models, see and modify src/uot/models.py, and add new choices to parameter --guesser_model in run.py.

  2. install dataset here and put files under src/uot/data/


Run experiments via run.py, which implements the UoT algorithm, as well as the naive prompting method. Arguments are as follows:

  • --guesser_model (choices=[gpt-4, gpt-3.5-turbo, claude-2, palm-2, cohere, llama-2-70b-chat]): The name of model used to plan and ask questions

  • --temperature: Parameter for calling guesser model.

  • --examiner_model: The name of model used to provide environment feedback. Fixed to be gpt-4 currently.

  • --task and --dataset: Select the corresponding task name and dataset according to the table below.

    Description task dataset
    20 Question Game 20q bigbench / common
    Medical Diagnosis md DX / MedDG
    Troubleshooting tb FiaDial
  • --task_start_index and --task_end_index: Conduct experiment with [start, end) targets in selected dataset. (Default: entire dataset)

  • --naive_run: If True, run with naive prompting method, otherwise UoT.

  • --inform: If True, the guesser is given answer set. (Consider only when --naive_run is True)

  • --reward_lambda: Parameter $\lambda$ in uncertainty-based reward setting.

  • --n_extend_layers: Parameter $J$ -- Number of simulation steps.

  • --n_potential_actions: Parameter $N$ -- Number of candidate actions generated.

  • --n_pruned_nodes: Max number of remaining nodes in each step.

    • If not prun, set it to 0;
    • If prun and remain exact number of nodes, set it > 0 (e.g. 10: Each step has a maximum of 10 nodes, $M$ or $U$, remaining);
    • If prun and remain a certain proportion of nodes, set it < 0 (e.g. -0.5: The remaining 50% of nodes in each step).
  • --expected_action_tokens: Max tokens not to call gpt-3.5-turbo model simplifying the guesser's selected action.

  • --expected_target_tokens: Max tokens for each target name. Used to predict and set the max_tokens when calling guesser model.

Implement Note

  • The root of UoT (stored in roots/) with the same setting will be loaded by default. And broken root file do cause error. Thus, if some errors occur when rerunning an experiment, you can try deleting the related root file.


Please cite the associated paper and star this repository if you find UoT interesting or useful in your work. Your support is greatly appreciated! Don't hesitate to open an issue if you have any questions.

Author = {Zhiyuan Hu and Chumin Liu and Xidong Feng and Yilun Zhao and See-Kiong Ng and Anh Tuan Luu and Junxian He and Pang Wei Koh and Bryan Hooi},
Title = {Uncertainty of Thoughts: Uncertainty-Aware Planning Enhances Information Seeking in Large Language Models},
Year = {2024}