We just released a rendered datasets of Shapenet with more view variations that contains RGB, albedo, depth and normal 2D images. Rendering scripts for both v1 and v2 are available.
Please cite our paper DISN: Deep Implicit Surface Network for High-quality Single-view 3D Reconstruction (NeurIPS 2019)
title = {DISN: Deep Implicit Surface Network for High-quality Single-view 3D Reconstruction},
author = {Xu, Qiangeng and Wang, Weiyue and Ceylan, Duygu and Mech, Radomir and Neumann, Ulrich},
booktitle = {Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 32},
editor = {H. Wallach and H. Larochelle and A. Beygelzimer and F. d\textquotesingle Alch\'{e}-Buc and E. Fox and R. Garnett},
pages = {492--502},
year = {2019},
publisher = {Curran Associates, Inc.},
url = {http://papers.nips.cc/paper/8340-disn-deep-implicit-surface-network-for-high-quality-single-view-3d-reconstruction.pdf}
Primary contact: Qiangeng Xu*
conda create -n disn python=3.7 # python 版本必须小于 3.7 才能安装 1.15 版本的 tensorflow
pip activate disn
conda install cudatoolkit=10.0 cudnn # TensorFlow 1.15 通常与 CUDA 10.0 兼容
pip install protobuf==3.20.*
pip install tensorflow-gpu==1.15
python -c "import tensorflow as tf; print(tf.__version__); print(tf.test.is_built_with_cuda()); print(tf.test.is_gpu_available())" # 验证 Tensorflow 是否能检测到 gpus
conda install -c https://software.repos.intel.com/python/conda/ -c conda-forge mkl
python check_mkl.py
pip install trimesh==2.37.20
pip install opencv-python
pip install PyMCubes==0.1.2 # 原始版本的 ./demo/demo.py 里面需要使用 Intel Math Kernel Library (MKL) 共享库文件才能生成 .obj 文件,这样很麻烦,所以我改成了用 PyMCubes来生成.obj文件
pip install pymesh
pip install joblib
pip install trimesh
pip install mkl
Tensorflow 检测到了 GPU
- 我尝试了 重装 几十种方法,都没有办法 让 numpy 检测到 mkl 包
The shape prediction network takes point cloud data as input:
- Input shape is (1, 212183, 3), representing 212,183 3D points
- It processes this through several convolutional layers
- The output is a predicted signed distance function (SDF) for each point
cd /data/3dPrinter/5_2-DISN-new-master
mkdir checkpoint
cd checkpoint
gdown --id 1PEXVxXflVqWNqinSMC-hFmFdlMyoMZ7i
### or baidu yunpan: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1Zujo84JoTcTW5dUl0AvS_w extraction code: esy9
tar -xvzf SDF_DISN.tar
rm -rf SDF_DISN.tar
The camera estimation network 预测 a transformation matrix for the input.
cd /data/3dPrinter/5_2-DISN-new-master
mkdir cam_est/checkpoint
cd cam_est/checkpoint
gdown https://drive.google.com/uc?id=1S5Gh_u1C9vDvksqXDn3CP6IqsnU0hKkj
### or baidu yunpan: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1lEHmSHA1o5lrswp0TM50qA extraction code: gbb3
tar -xvzf cam_DISN.tar
rm -rf cam_DISN.tar
cd ../../
Install whatever libary(e.g. mkl) you don't have and change corresponding libary path in your system in isosurface/LIB_PATH
- --sdf_res control the resolution of the sampled sdf, default is 64, the larger, the more fine-grained, but slower.
cd /data/3dPrinter/5_2-DISN-new-master
source isosurface/LIB_PATH
chmod +x ./isosurface/computeMarchingCubes
nohup python -u demo/demo.py --cam_est --log_dir checkpoint/SDF_DISN --cam_log_dir cam_est/checkpoint/cam_DISN --img_feat_twostream --sdf_res 256 &> log/create_sdf.log &
python -u demo/demo.py --cam_est --log_dir checkpoint/SDF_DISN --cam_log_dir cam_est/checkpoint/cam_DISN --img_feat_twostream --sdf_res 256
The result is demo/result.obj. if you have dependency problems such as your mkl lib, etc. Please install the corresponding dependencies and change the path in LIB_PATH. Everyone has his/her/their own environment setting so it's impossible to instruct this step without sitting besides you and your server.
程序成功加载了相机估计模型和主要的SDF (Signed Distance Function) 预测模型。
Found device 0 with properties: name: Tesla V100S-PCIE-32GB major: 7 minor: 0 memoryClockRate(GHz): 1.597 pciBusID: 0000:00:06.0
pred_trans_mat_val [[[-66.2053 3.0475838 -0.37013683] [-15.545383 -81.84504 -0.22653787] [-45.6831 -1.9617836 0.2427571 ] [100.04551 99.63472 1.4153073 ]]]
主要的SDF预测模型成功加载和运行。它处理了形状为 (80, 1, 212183, 3) 的输入点云数据。
:submit create_obj result.obj has been created into demo/result.obj
download the dataset following the instruction of https://www.shapenet.org/account/ (about 30GB)
直接百度云 下载 ShapeNetCore.v1.zip
链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1WnJIAk4slq99GzE08dELqA 提取码:aic6
然后解压缩 ShapeNetCore.v1.zip
cd {your download dir}
unzip ShapeNetCore.v1.zip -d {your mesh_dir}
我下载到了 /data/3dPrinter/0_Dataset_Ori/4_DISN_Datasets/1_Downloaded/ShepeNet/ShapeNetCore_v1
- under preprocessing/info.json, you can change the locations of your data: the neccessary dir for the main model are :
"lst_dir": "./data/filelists",
"cats": {
"watercraft": "04530566",
"rifle": "04090263",
"display": "03211117",
"lamp": "03636649",
"speaker": "03691459",
"cabinet": "02933112",
"chair": "03001627",
"bench": "02828884",
"car": "02958343",
"airplane": "02691156",
"sofa": "04256520",
"table": "04379243",
"phone": "04401088"
"all_cats": [
"raw_dirs_v1": {
"mesh_dir": "/data/3dPrinter/0_Dataset_Ori/4_DISN_Datasets/1_Downloaded/ShepeNet/ShapeNetCore_v1", # 改成 (1) 里面下载的 ShapeNetCore_v1 的位置, 下面的其他地址都是 后面运行代码生成的东西所需要放的位置,可以随便写
"norm_mesh_dir": "/data/3dPrinter/0_Dataset_Ori/4_DISN_Datasets/1_Downloaded/ShepeNet/march_cube_objs_v1/",
"norm_mesh_dir_v2": "/data/3dPrinter/0_Dataset_Ori/4_DISN_Datasets/1_Downloaded/ShepeNet/march_cube_objs/",
"sdf_dir": "/data/3dPrinter/0_Dataset_Ori/4_DISN_Datasets/1_Downloaded/ShepeNet/SDF_v1/",
"sdf_dir_v2": "/data/3dPrinter/0_Dataset_Ori/4_DISN_Datasets/1_Downloaded/ShepeNet/SDF_v2/",
"rendered_dir": "/data/3dPrinter/0_Dataset_Ori/4_DISN_Datasets/1_Downloaded/ShepeNet/ShapeNetRendering/",
"rendered_new_dir": "/data/3dPrinter/0_Dataset_Ori/4_DISN_Datasets/1_Downloaded/ShepeNet/ShapeNetRendering.v1/",
"renderedh5_new_dir_easy": "/data/3dPrinter/0_Dataset_Ori/4_DISN_Datasets/1_Downloaded/ShepeNet/ShapeNetRenderingh5_v1_new_easy.v1/",
"renderedh5_new_dir_hard": "/data/3dPrinter/0_Dataset_Ori/4_DISN_Datasets/1_Downloaded/ShepeNet/ShapeNetRenderingh5_v1_new_hard.v1/",
"renderedh5_dir": "/data/3dPrinter/0_Dataset_Ori/4_DISN_Datasets/1_Downloaded/ShepeNet/ShapeNetRenderingh5_v1_more/",
"renderedh5_dir_v2": "/data/3dPrinter/0_Dataset_Ori/4_DISN_Datasets/1_Downloaded/ShepeNet/ShapeNetRenderingh5_v2/",
"renderedh5_dir_est": "/data/3dPrinter/0_Dataset_Ori/4_DISN_Datasets/1_Downloaded/ShepeNet/ShapeNetRenderingh5_v1_pred_3d/",
"3dnnsdf_dir": "/data/3dPrinter/0_Dataset_Ori/4_DISN_Datasets/1_Downloaded/ShepeNet/SDF_full/"
- 下载 generated sdf tar.gz from here
- then place it at your "sdf_dir" in json;
- 下载 the marching cube 重建出来的 reconstructed ground truth models from the sdf file from here
- then place it at your "norm_mesh_dir" in your json.
This step used this paper Vega: non-linear fem deformable object simulator. 因为这个环境超级难配,为了 把 preprocessing/create_point_sdf_grid.py 跑起来,首先需要下载 MKL、tcmalloc、TBB、libpng12 库。并且把 他们的位置放到 preprocessing/create_point_sdf_grid.py 的开头, 如何解决我都已经更新到 preprocessing/create_point_sdf_grid.py 代码里面了,这里简要说一下如何解决的。
* 到 https://launchpad.net/~linuxuprising/+archive/ubuntu/libpng12 下载 .deb
* 访问 PPA 的包详情页面:https://launchpad.net/~linuxuprising/+archive/ubuntu/libpng12/+packages
* 找到 libpng - 1.2.54-1ubuntu1.1+1~ppa0~focal (changes file) logix2 2019-12-07 Published Focal Libs All builds were built successfully.
* 找到 libpng12-0_1.2.54-1ubuntu1.1+1~ppa0~focal_amd64.deb (168.9 KiB)
* 下载到 本地的一个目录下
* 安装 使用 `sudo dpkg -i libpng12-0_1.2.54-1ubuntu1.1+1~ppa0~focal_amd64.deb` 进行安装
# 更新 TBB 的路径
(disn) (base) root@v100s02:/data/3dPrinter/5_2-DISN-new-master# sudo find / -name "libtbb*.so*" # => 之后会找到一堆路径,然后选择一个
sudo ln -s /data/3dPrinter/5_2-DISN-new-master/isosurface/tbb/tbb2018_20180822oss/lib/intel64/gcc4.7/libtbb_preview.so.2 /usr/lib/libtbb_preview.so.2 # 创建一个符号链接到 /usr/lib/ 目录
之后把上面的 这个 /data/3dPrinter/5_2-DISN-new-master/isosurface/tbb/tbb2018_20180822oss/lib/intel64/gcc4.7/libtbb_preview.so.2 /usr/lib/libtbb_preview.so.2
地址更新到 preprocessing/create_point_sdf_grid.py 的开头,更新到环境变量里面。
4. 运行 preprocessing/create_point_sdf_grid.py 来生成 ShapeNetCore_V1 文件夹下面各种 .obj 所对应的 .sdf 文件 & 用 marching cube 重建出来的 reconstructed ground truth models
mkdir log
cd /data/3dPrinter/5_2-DISN-new-master
source isosurface/LIB_PATH
nohup python -u preprocessing/create_point_sdf_grid.py --thread_num {recommend 9} --category {default 'all', but can be single category like 'chair'} &> log/create_sdf.log &
nohup python -u preprocessing/create_point_sdf_grid.py --thread_num 9 --category 'chair' &> log/create_sdf.log &
nohup python -u preprocessing/create_point_sdf_grid.py --thread_num 9 --category 'chair' &> log/create_sdf_$(date +%Y%m%d_%H%M%S).log &
python -u preprocessing/create_point_sdf_grid.py --thread_num 9 --category 'chair'
## SDF folder takes about 9.0G, marching cube obj folder takes about 245G
用 marching cube 重建出来的 1个 reconstructed ground truth model:
方法1: 下载 2d image following 3DR2N2[https://github.com/chrischoy/3D-R2N2], please cite their paper if you use this image tar file:
wget http://cvgl.stanford.edu/data2/ShapeNetRendering.tgz
untar it to {your rendered_dir}
cd {DISN}
nohup python -u preprocessing/create_img_h5.py &> log/create_imgh5.log &
python -u preprocessing/create_img_h5.py
### train the camera poses of the original rendered image dataset. nohup python -u cam_est/train_sdf_cam.py --log_dir cam_est/checkpoint/{your training checkpoint dir} --gpu 0 --loss_mode 3D --learning_rate 2e-5 &> log/cam_3D_all.log & ### train the camera poses of the adding 2 more DoF augmented on the rendered image dataset. nohup python -u cam_est/train_sdf_cam.py --log_dir cam_est/checkpoint/{your training checkpoint dir} --gpu 2 --loss_mode 3D --learning_rate 1e-4 --shift --shift_weight 2 &> log/cam_3D_shift2_all.log &
### train the camera poses of the new rendered image dataset. nohup python -u cam_est/train_sdf_cam.py --log_dir cam_est/checkpoint/{your checkpoint dir} --gpu 0 --loss_mode 3D --learning_rate 1e-4 --src_h5_dir {your new rendered images' h5 directory} --img_h 224 --img_w 224 &> log/cam_3D_easy.log &
### Create img_h5 to {renderedh5_dir_est} in your info.json, the default is only generate h5 of test images and cam parameters(about 5.3GB) nohup python -u train_sdf_cam.py --img_h5_dir {renderedh5_dir_est} --create --restore_model checkpoint/cam_3D_all --log_dir checkpoint/{your training checkpoint dir} --gpu 0--loss_mode 3D --batch_size 24 &> log/create_cam_mixloss_all.log &
if train from scratch, you can load official pretrained vgg_16 by setting --restore_modelcnn; or you can --restore_model to your checkpoint to continue the training):
- support flip the background color from black to white since most online images have white background(by using --backcolorwhite)
- if use flag --cam_est, the img_h5 is loaded from {renderedh5_dir_est} instead of {renderedh5_dir}, so that we can train the generation on the estimated camera parameters
nohup python -u train/train_sdf.py --gpu 0 --img_feat_twostream --restore_modelcnn ./models/CNN/pretrained_model/vgg_16.ckpt --log_dir checkpoint/{your training checkpoint dir} --category all --num_sample_points 2048 --batch_size 20 --learning_rate 0.0001 --cat_limit 36000 &> log/DISN_train_all.log &
- will save objs in {your training checkpoint dir}/test_objs/{sdf_res+1}_{iso}
- will save objs in {your training checkpoint dir}/test_objs/{sdf_res+1}_{iso}
- if use estimated camera post, --cam_est, will save objs in {your training checkpoint dir}/test_objs/camest_{sdf_res+1}_{iso}
- if only create chair or a single category, --category {chair or a single category}
- --sdf_res control the resolution of the sampled sdf, default is 64, the larger, the more fine-grained, but slower.
source isosurface/LIB_PATH #### use ground truth camera pose nohup python -u test/create_sdf.py --img_feat_twostream --view_num 24 --sdf_res 64 --batch_size 1 --gpu 0 --sdf_res 64 --log_dir checkpoint/{your training checkpoint dir} --iso 0.00 --category all &> log/DISN_create_all.log & #### use estimated camera pose nohup python -u test/create_sdf.py --img_feat_twostream --view_num 24 --sdf_res 64 --batch_size 1 --gpu 3 --sdf_res 64 --log_dir checkpoint/{your training checkpoint dir} --iso 0.00 --category all --cam_est &> log/DISN_create_all_cam.log &
nohup python -u clean_smallparts.py --src_dir checkpoint/{your training checkpoint dir}/test_objs/65_0.0 --tar_dir checkpoint/{your training checkpoint dir}/test_objs/65_0.0 --thread_n 10 &> log/DISN_clean.log &
please compile models/tf_ops/ approxmatch and nn_distance and cites "A Point Set Generation Network for 3D Object Reconstruction from a Single Image"
nohup python -u test/test_cd_emd.py --img_feat_twostream --view_num 24 --num_sample_points 2048 --gpu 0 --batch_size 24 --log_dir checkpoint/{your training checkpoint dir} --cal_dir checkpoint/{your training checkpoint dir}/test_objs/65_0.0 --category all &> log/DISN_cd_emd_all.log &
- cal_dir specify which obj folder to be tested, e.g. if only test watercraft, --category watercraft also the threshold of true can be set, here we use 2.5 for default:
nohup python -u test/test_f_score.py --img_feat_twostream --view_num 24 --num_sample_points 2048 --gpu 0 --batch_size 24 --log_dir checkpoint/{your training checkpoint dir} --cal_dir checkpoint/{your training checkpoint dir}/test_objs/65_0.0 --category all --truethreshold 2.5 &> log/DISN_fscore_2.5.log &
- cal_dir specify which obj folder to be tested, e.g. if only test watercraft, --category watercraft
- --dim specify the number of voxels along each 3D dimension.
nohup python -u test/test_iou.py --img_feat_twostream --view_num 24 --log_dir checkpoint/{your training checkpoint dir} --cal_dir checkpoint/{your training checkpoint dir}/test_objs/65_0.0 --category all --dim 110 &> DISN_iou_all.log &