
Mobileconfigurations that you will need to get extensive iOS logs

iOS Logging

iOS Logging

Jonathan Scott - @jonathandata1

Date: October 7th,2021

Version 1.0


This repo contains the .mobileconfig files that you are able to download if you are an apple developer to help you debug your applications. The interesting part about all of these debug tools is the amount of data that can actually be gathered.

Some will say...well these are debug tools, of course you're going to be able to get more data than you normally should. The issue lives in the fact that the code to have this extensive logging is already written and embedded into the iOS kernel.

These .mobileconfig files are simply enumerators for services, and boolean switchers for entitlements that are already built into the iOS ecosystem.

What's included

AccountsAuthKit.mobileconfig AdPlatformsLogging.mobileconfig AirTags.mobileconfig AppSSO.mobileconfig AppleConfigurator.mobileconfig Baseband.mobileconfig BatteryLife.mobileconfig CFNetworkDiagnostics.mobileconfig CalendarReminders.mobileconfig ClassroomDebug.mobileconfig CloudKit.mobileconfig DataAccess.mobileconfig Digital_Car_Key.mobileconfig FSMetadata.mobileconfig GSSDebugProfile.mobileconfig HealthKit.mobileconfig Home.mobileconfig Launch_Hang_Diagnostics.mobileconfig LocationAndMotion.mobileconfig ManagedConfiguration.mobileconfig MegaWifiProfile.mobileconfig MobileMail.mobileconfig NotesDebugLogging.mobileconfig PerformanceTrace.mobileconfig Photos_iOS.mobileconfig ProximityReader.mobileconfig ReportMemoryException.mobileconfig SignificantLocations.mobileconfig SiriDebugLogging.mobileconfig Spotlight.mobileconfig StreamLoggingWithConsent.mobileconfig SwiftPreviews.mobileconfig TailspinProfile.mobileconfig TestFlightLoggingProfile.mobileconfig TouchID.mobileconfig UI_Hang_Diagnostics.mobileconfig VPN.mobileconfig WalletFull.mobileconfig carplay.mobileconfig iCloudBackup.mobileconfig iCloudDrive.mobileconfig iCloudKeyValue.mobileconfig iOSBluetoothLogging.mobileconfig iWorkDiagnosticsProfile.mobileconfig iapd_debug_profile.mobileconfig intercomlogging.mobileconfig itmsdebugging.mobileconfig loggingiOS.mobileconfig mDNSResponder.mobileconfig mapslogging.mobileconfig promotedcontent.mobileconfig

Tools needed

  1. brew install libimobiledevice
  2. iPhone 6 or higher running iOS 11 and higher

How to install

  1. after you download these .mobileconfig files you will need to send them to your phone. You can do this a few ways, airdrop one of these files to your phone and you will see a prompt asking to install
  2. Go to Settings > General> VPN & Device Management and install the mobileconfig iOS Logging
  3. When the mobileconfig is downloaded you will see it in your list of configurations iOS Logging

Gathering The Data

  1. Depending on the .mobileconfig you installed, you may be asked to restart your device.
  2. Actively use your device for about 15 minutes in order to gather enough data
  3. Press volume up + volume down + power at the same time and then release. You will feel a buzz and possibly even take a screenshot (this is ok)
  4. Wait another 10 minutes for the sysdiagnose to compress the data in your phone
  5. Plugin your phone to your computer
  6. If a trust dialogue comes up on the phone press trust and enter your passcode to trust if required
  7. Open a terminal and type the following idevicecrashreport -e -k -d .

You should start to see an output that looks similar to this this.

iOS Logging

  1. Once complete you will see a lot of files, and among those file will be a directory called "DiagnosticLogs," open that directory
  2. You will now see a directory called, "sysdiagnose," open that directory
  3. Now you will see a compressed file that could be anyware from 50MB to 3+ GIGS, and should have a similar name to this: sysdiagnose_2021.10.19_03-55-36-0500_iPhone-OS_iPhone_19A404.tar.gz
  4. Use a decompressor app if you are not using a Mac, or double click on this file if you are on a Mac, and it will extract the decompressed information.