Attention-guided Network for Ghost-free High Dynamic Range Imaging

Primary LanguageMATLAB


Attention-guided Network for Ghost-free High Dynamic Range Imaging (AHDR)

Qingsen Yan*, Dong Gong*, Qinfeng Shi, Anton van den Hengel, Chunhua Shen, Ian Reid, Yanning Zhang. In IEEE Conference on Compute rVision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2019:1751-1760. (* Equall contribution) [Paper][Project]


  • Python 2.7
  • PyTorch 0.3.1 (tested with 0.3.1)
  • MATLAB (for data preparation)


Data preparation

  1. Download data from [dataset]
  2. Move the dataset into ./GenerH5Data/TrainingData.
  3. Run ./GenerH5Data/PrepareData.m


  1. Install this repository and the required packages. A pretrained model is in ./trained-model.
  2. Prepare dataset.
    1. Download dataset.
    2. Move the dataset into ./dataset.
    3. Processed dataset can be obtained by running the corresponding script in ./GenerH5Data/PrepareData.m.
  3. Run python script_testing.py files.


  1. Prepare dataset.
    1. Download dataset.
    2. Move the dataset into ./dataset.
    3. Processed dataset can be obtained by running the corresponding script in ./GenerH5Data/PrepareData.m.
  2. Run python script_training.py files.

Examples of the Results

Examples of the Estimated Attention Maps


If you use this code for your research, please cite our paper.

  title={Dual-attention-guided network for ghost-free high dynamic range imaging},
  author={Yan, Qingsen and Gong, Dong and Shi, Javen Qinfeng and van den Hengel, Anton and Shen, Chunhua and Reid, Ian and Zhang, Yanning},
  journal={International Journal of Computer Vision},
  title={Attention-guided Network for Ghost-free High Dynamic Range Imaging},
  author={Yan, Qingsen and Gong, Dong and Shi, Qinfeng and Hengel, Anton van den and Shen, Chunhua and Reid, Ian and Zhang, Yanning},
  journal={IEEE Conference on Compute rVision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},