
Baseline approach to Change Detection using deep learning and Siamese CNNs

Primary LanguagePython


Baseline approach to Change Detection using deep learning and Siamese CNNs


Start with installing the prerequisite python libraries. We worked with the following versions:

tensorflow              1.12.0
Keras                   2.2.4
Keras-Applications      1.0.7
Keras-Preprocessing     1.0.5
numpy                   1.16.0
scikit-image            0.14.2
scikit-learn            0.20.2
albumentations         0.2.0
image-classifiers      0.2.0
imageio                2.5.0
imageio-ffmpeg         0.2.0
seaborn                0.9.0
segmentation-models    0.2.0
tqdm                   4.29.1

Donwload the dataset and place it into a folder specified in Settings.py.

Then run "python main.py" with the required arguments (such as encoder type, number of epochs or the batch size).

Run this to see the help:

python3 main.py --help