
Lite Template Engine

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A cross platform template engine base on xml/html and javascript expression.


npm install lite

Innovative Features

  1. Automatic BigPiple+BigRender Support.
  2. Automatic encoding based on HTML semantic context.
  3. Available contents transmitted immediately and unavailable content auto wait.


Simple NodeJS Example

This is ${user.name}.
I am ${user.age} years old this year
var LiteEngine = require('lite').LiteEngine;
var engine = new LiteEngine('./');
require('http').createServer(function (request, response) {
    var path = '/index.xhtml';
    var model = {
        title:'simple test',

NodeJS Promise Wait Example

var LiteEngine = require('lite').LiteEngine;
var engine = new LiteEngine('./');
require('http').createServer(function (request, response) {
    //template path
    var path = '/index.xhtml';
    var data1Promise = APIProxy.getDataAsPromise('http://api.xxx.com/user?name=zhangshan&...')
    var data2Promise = APIProxy.getDataAsPromise('http://api.xxx.com/user?name=lisi&...')
    //model(available data and unavailable data(pending Promise))
    var model = {
        title:'static first and promise auto wait test'
        data1:data1Promise,//output available contents first and wait until the promise is ready!!
  • [LiteEngine]:
    • render(url,model,request,response)

Web Browser

//autocompile via jsi(https://github.com/jindw/jsi) 
//single template file
var tpl = require("../tpl/test.tpl");
var model = {user:...}
var html = tpl(model);

//inline template function(ECMA4XML)
var tplFunction = function(user){
    return <div>
             hello ${user.name}
             <c:if test="${user.messages}">
                <c:for var="item" list="${user.messages}">
//inline template string
var user = ...
var tplString = <div>
             hello ${user.name}
             <c:if test="${user.messages}">
                <c:for var="item" list="${user.messages}">

Other Server Side Impl

$root = realpath(__DIR__.'/../').'/';
$engine = new LiteEngine($root);

$path =  '/test/index.xhtml';
$context = array("int1"=>1,"text1"=>'1');