
A nightmare e2e scaffolding.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

A nightmare e2e scaffolding.


$ npm install -g nmare-cli

2、Initialize the project

$ nmare init

If there is a directory of the same name locally,We will put you in a new directory(your-project-name + random) for you.

3、Directory structure description

your-project-name  // Initialization file name
│   README.md      
│   package.json   
│   .gitignore     
│   index.js       // entrance
│   start.sh       // shell
│   │   demo.js
└───login  // login demo
    │   cookie.js
    │   index.js

4、Installation dependent

cd [your-project-name]
npm install

If there is a node install.js stuttering problem, you can do this as below

npm config set electron_mirror=https://npm.taobao.org/mirrors/electron/

Or manually add in ~/.npmrc


once again npm install, please delete beforenode_modules.

reference link: https://segmentfault.com/q/1010000007594059

5、Run the project

node index.js

You can write test cases under ./src or ./index.js.