- User
- Create user
- Log in
- Delete user
- Book events
- Cancle bookings
- Search events
- Event
- Creat Event
- Delete Event
- Update Event Infomation
EasyEvent requires Maven and Node.js to run.
On MacOS, you can install them using brew.
brew install maven
brew install node
First, run Spring Boot service. - Backend
cd easyevent
mvn spring-boot:run
Verify the deployment by navigating to your server address in http://localhost:8080/graphiql.
Then, run React service. - Frontend
cd easyevent/frontend
npm install
npm start
Now you are able to open http://localhost:3000/auth and see the UI.
This Demo used AWS RDS PostgreSQL as a cloud database, you don't need to install DB in your local enviroment.
EasyEvent uses a number of open source projects to work properly: