
Mine monorepo, powered by pnpm workspace and turboprop.

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Mine monorepo, powered by pnpm workspace and turboprop.

common scripts

  • 安装全局的公共依赖包
pnpm install typescript -w
## install to root devDependencies
pnpm install typescript -w -D
# or
pnpm add prettier-plugin-tailwindcss -Dw
  • 给某个package单独安装指定依赖: --filter pkg
pnpm add axios --filter @apps/web
  • 在 pkg1 中引用 pkg2
pnpm install @sysuke/pkg1 --filter @sysuke/pkg2


  • lint-staged tsc
  • Adjust sort list for prettier-plugin-sort-imports
  • eslint or Biome, currently using eslint, but DX is not so good. but Biome doesn’t support monorepos very well due to some limitations in resolving nested configuration files
  • turborepo
  • ui library
  • web
  • rn

Might use

  • use syncpack 同步和标准化不同项目间的依赖版本
  • oxc oxlint => Biome: Format, lint, and more in a fraction of a second. - TBD



follow commitlint rule:

<type>(<scope>): <subject>
// 空一行
// 空一行

type 必须是下面的其中之一:

  • feat: 增加新功能
  • fix: 修复 bug
  • docs: 只改动了文档相关的内容
  • style: 不影响代码含义的改动,例如去掉空格、改变缩进、增删分号
  • refactor: 代码重构时使用,既不是新增功能也不是代码的bud修复
  • perf: 提高性能的修改
  • test: 添加或修改测试代码
  • build: 构建工具或者外部依赖包的修改,比如更新依赖包的版本
  • ci: 持续集成的配置文件或者脚本的修改
  • chore: 杂项,其他不需要修改源代码或不需要修改测试代码的修改
  • revert: 撤销某次提交

npm registry

npm install nrm -g
## check all registry
nrm ls
## switch
npx nrm use npm
## confirm
npm config ls

manage package

  • unpublish/remove package
npm unpublish  @sysuke/eslint-config-react --force