
Mine monorepo, powered by pnpm workspace and turboprop.

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Mine monorepo, powered by pnpm workspace and turboprop.

Refer this: MonoRepo by pnpm workspace + TurboRepo


common package install root, including shared internal config packages, including:

  • @sysuke/typescript-config
  • @sysuke/eslint-config


  • lint-staged tsc
  • Adjust sort list for prettier-plugin-sort-imports
  • eslint or Biome, currently using eslint, but DX is not so good. but Biome doesn’t support monorepos very well due to some limitations in resolving nested configuration files
  • turborepo
  • ui library
  • web
  • RN/Expo, reference: expo-monorepo-example
  • the process to publish package by changesets
  1. changesets + github action to publish npm packages
  2. ui package
  3. trpc: hono + vite react example
  4. refactor eslint
  5. check docker

Changeset process

  1. run pnpm changeset: select packages and version(major, minor, patch), will generate .md files.
  2. run pnpm version-packages = pnpm changeset version: use files generated by last step, update or generate CHANGELOG.md, update version on package.json
  3. run pnpm release

Above steps are the process to publish package on Local. For CI with github action: changesets/action@v1, only need to run pnpm changeset and push code. Action will create PR and publish package to npm.

.changeset/config.json 中的 commit: true is for local, for CI, because changeset version is executed in github action. so changesets/action@v1 config will override it.

So for the repo itself, just need run changeset and push code.


Refer: Changeset Prereleases doc

Do it on local, eg: beta

changeset pre enter beta
changeset version
turbo build --filter=@sysuke
pnpm changeset publish

we can run many times for above 2-4 steps, after done, run: pnpm changeset pre exit

Common scripts

  • install package in root
pnpm install typescript -w
# install to root devDependencies
pnpm install typescript -w -D
# or
pnpm add prettier-plugin-tailwindcss -Dw
  • install a npm package for one package/app individually: --filter=pkg
pnpm add axios --filter=@apps/web
  • install pkg1 into pkg2, internal refer
pnpm install @sysuke/pkg1 --filter=@sysuke/pkg2

Might use

  • syncpack a command-line tool to manage multiple package.json files;
  • oxc oxlint => Biome: Format, lint, and more in a fraction of a second. - TBD
  • Sherif - Opinionated, zero-config linter for JavaScript monorepos


  • no need to add tsconfig.json in the root, refer



follow commitlint rule

npm registry

npm install nrm -g
## check all registry
nrm ls
## switch
npx nrm use npm
## confirm
npm config ls

manage npm package

  • unpublish/remove package
npm unpublish  @sysuke/eslint-config-react --force
