A container is a way to package application with all the necessary dependencies and configurations
A container is Portable artifact, easily shared and moved around
Containers live in Container Repository. There are both private repositories and public Repository for Docker. Go to Docker Hub
A container is a layer of images
- Layer- application image (eg. PostgreSQL,Redis)
- Layer- Linux Base image (Alpine:3.10- Because it is small in size)
docker pull postgres
In order to pull the an image from the public repository, You can specify the versiondocker pull postgres:14.4
docker ps
To view the number image running locally
- Docker Image - is the actual package.In other terms it is the artifact that can be moved around eg.postgres
- Docker Container - actually start the application Container is where the environment of an application is created
- Container is a running environment for Image
- Application images include: postgres,regis, mongodb
- Containers have a port binded to it. A port enables the applications running inside the container to talk to each other
An Operating system is made up of the Appplications, Os Kernel and Hardware Layer
Operating System Kernel communicates with the Hardware Layer like CPU,memory,etc
Applications run on the Application Layer
Docker virtualizes the applications layer. It uses the Kernel of the host because it does not have its own Kernel
VM virtualizes the Applications layer and the Operating System Kernel. When you install the Virtual Machine Image it boots its own kernel and does not use the host Kernel
- Docker Images are much small the VM are large in size
- Docker containers start and run much fast than the VM, since each time you start a VM it has to boot it's own kernel
- VM of any OS can run on any Operating System host but that can't happen with docker.
- Docker Toolbox helps check the machine compactibility. Docker Toolbox helps run docker natively.
docker pull nameOfImage
ordocker pull namerOfImage:7.0.3
To pull image from docker hub to the local machinedocker images
Used when checking all the images on the local machinedocker run redis
Creates a container where redis is running and can be used in an applicationdocker ps
used to check the containers that are running locallydocker run -d redis
Used to run a container a dettached mode. Meaning that the container will run even after closing the terminaldocker stop idOfTheContainer
The id is the first part you view when you use thedocker ps
commanddocker start idOfTheContainer
You can use the same id as above to start the containerdocker ps -a
To see all the containers that are running of not runningdocker run -p 6000:6379 redis
or `docker run -d -p 6000:6379 redis' to be able to run two containers that uses the same port-p
is the port6000
is the host port6379
container port
docker run -d -p 6001:6379 --name redis-older redis:7.0.3
Naming the container for instance redis-older
- Multiple Containers can run on your host machine
- Conflict when same port on host machine
- The applications can't be able to reach the containers using same port
docker logs containerID/conteinerName
to check the logs of the containerdocker exec -it containerID/containerName /bin/bash
Interactive terminal
- Postgres/Mongo DB- Push to Git where Jenkins Builds Django App and Creates Docker Image
- The Docker image built by Jenkins is pushed to a private docker repository
- The Docker image is pulled to the development server where they talk to each other with the django app
- Hands on Code
- Docker creates it's own isolated network where the containers are running
- Those containers can talk to each other using container name
docker network ls
shows auto generated networksdocker network create mongo-network
creating a docker networkdocker network rm NameOfTheNetwork
To delete a network
docker run --name some-postgres --network postgres-network -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=nonerd -e POSTGRES_USER=day -d postgres
--name (som-postgres)
name of the container--network (postgres-network)
name of the network-e
Environment Variables- Postgres Password
- Postgres User
running the container in dettache mode
docker-compose run web django-admin startproject src .
Starting the projectdocker-compose up
to run the projectdocker-compose down
To stop the projectdocker build --tag src .
If the project existsdocker run --publish 8000:8000 src
docker-compose up -d --build
Spins up the application allowing for changes to be accepted
version: "3.9"
- Version of docker-compose -
Container list goes here -
The container name -
image: mongo:4.1
The image from which the container is going to be build from -
ports: - 27017:27017 # Ports of the Host:container
environment: - MONGO_USERNAME=admin - MONGO_PASSWORD=secretpassword # The environment variables of a container
specifies that a container is depending on another container in order to start -
Docker Compose takes care of creating a common Network!
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up
Used to execute the docker compose script
A DockerFile is a blueprint for building images
FROM node
This is the base image which our container is build from -
RUN mkdir -p /home/app
Executes any Linux command, for instance creating home directory. This directory is going to live inside the container -
COPY . /home/app/
executes on the host machine. It copies files from host to container -
CMD ["node","server.js"]
executes a run command -
is an entry point command -
docker build --tag/-t src:1.0 .
builds a docker image frok the Dockerfile -
docker run src:1.0
running our app from the build image -
Whenever you adjust the Dockerfile, you must rebuid the image!
docker rmi imageID
to delete an image anddocker rm <containerID>
to delete a container
docker login --username=_ --password=$(heroku auth:token) registry.heroku.com