
The restcups is a simple REST wrapper for CUPS printing server that allows you to print binary files to a specified CUPS printer over http.

The server listens for incoming requests and accepts binary data as input. It also accepts query parameters to specify printer options such as the number of copies and the "raw" option.

API Endpoints

GET /printers

This endpoint returns a list of available printers on the CUPS server.

Example Response

        "name": "Brother_DCP_L2550DW_series"
        "name": "Brother_DCP_L2550DW_series_b42200217f10_"
        "name": "ZP450"

POST /print

This endpoint accepts binary data as input and prints it to the specified printer with the specified options. The following query parameters are supported:

Query Parameters

Parameter Type Description Default Value
printer String The printer name. required
copies Integer The number of copies to print. 1
raw Boolean A boolean value indicating whether to print the file in "raw" format. false

Request Body

The request body must contain binary data to print.

Example Request

`POST /print?copies=2&raw=true HTTP/1.1 Host: localhost:8080 Content-Type: application/octet-stream  [Binary Data]`

Example Response

`HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json  {"message": "Print job submitted successfully"}`



  • CUPS printing system installed and running
  • firewall allow port 8080/custom port open

Build/run from source

  1. Clone or download the Print REST Server repository from GitHub.

  2. Open a terminal and navigate to the root directory of the repository.

  3. Run the following command to start the server:

    go run server.go

    This will start the server on port 8080. If you want to use a different port, you can specify it using the --port flag. For example:

    go run server.go --port 8888

Ubuntu service start on boot

  1. Build or download restcups binary

    go build 
  2. move to /user/bin

    sudo mv ./restcups /usr/bin
  3. Setup service on boot, default port 8080, change it to different port if needed by editing restcups.service

    sudo cp ./restcups.service /etc/systemd/system && sudo chmod +x /etc/systemd/system/restcups.service
  4. Start service

    sudo systemctl start restcups


Printing a File

To print a file using the Print REST Server, you can use a tool such as curl to send a POST request with the file contents in the request body. For example:

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/octet-stream" --data-binary "@label.pdf" "http://localhost:8080/print?printer=LP320&copies=2"

This will print the file "label.pdf" in current folder to the printer named "LP320" with 2 copies.

Getting Available Printers

To get a list of available printers using the Print REST Server, you can use a tool such as curl to send a GET request to the /printers endpoint. For example:

curl "http://localhost:8888/printers"

This will return a JSON object with a list of available printers.


The Print REST Server is released under the MIT License.