Soft UI Dashboard Vue 3 + Vite

Vite is the official build tool that recommanded by Vue.js. It is extremely fast and provides lots enhancements.

Development Setup

Recommended IDE Setup

  • VSCode + Volar
  • Disable Vetur for this proejct since Vetur does not support Vue3 very well.


Install dependencies

$ yarn

Start dev server on localhost

$ yarn dev

Build for production

$ yarn build

Start production server on localhost

$ yarn preview


Docker build

$ docker build -t softui:latest .

Docker run

$ docker run -d -p 8080:8080 softui:latest

Quick Config

This template set default port to 8080 on both dev and production.

  • To change vite dev server port, you may edit vite.config.js, to view detailed Vite config here

  • To change vite production server port, please change package.json file scripts.preview

Create New Vue3 + Vite app

# yarn
yarn create vite my-vue-app --template vue