
Qubit Tic Tac Toe - Quantum Game for the purpose of quantum mechanics education

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Qubit Tic Tac Toe is a 2 players quantum strategy game , where the classical tic tac toe's classical marking is replaced with quantum marking. Each player can perform either 1 measurement, or 2 unitary moves. The first to form a straight line with the player's own classical marking will win the game.

This quantization is different from Goff's quantization, where he quantizes the moves instead of the marking.
A tic tac toe played with qubit is similar to a 9 qubits quantum computer.



  1. Player chooses one of the boxes each turn
  2. Players choose to make 3 unitary operations (exclusive) OR 1 projective operation on the box.
  3. Unitary operations include: Initiate a qubit, X gate, Z gate, Hadamard Gate and CNOT gate.
  4. The projective operation will collapse the qubit into a classical bit.
  5. The player wins by forming a straight line using 3 classical bit.

Currently, the gameplay has been completed with sympy. We are exploring the possibility to use Qiskit to program the game.



A game

GitHub repo


@HuangJunye Thanks for the reference! I am aware of Goff's tic tac toe but the other 2 are new to me. It is interesting to see other alternatives of quantum tic tac toe being explored. Maybe we can discuss it more on Friday?

Thanks a lot for being the coach!

@honlin96 Are you in our Slack channel? We can already start the discussion there. Check your email for the invitation link to Slack. Ping me and I will add you to the hackathon channel.

I'd like to join

Hi @honlin96 - it would be nice talking with you after the event! I am much into quantum games (at CQT I am for 3 months to create one...).

@stared Hi stared, sure! I am happy to discuss more about this project with you =) I am wearing a grey shirt and jeans today, looking forward to the discussion!

@honlin96 The description is not unique!

@honlin96 Thanks for updating the descriptions and the README of your github repo. One suggestion: can you change your github repo name to "qubit tic tac toe" as well to reflect the game? "Quantum game" is too general. Let me know if you are not sure how to change the name.

Sure, I have done the necessary changes.